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An outgoing wire transfer is a transfer of funds to a vendor which we typically use when (1) money must be transferred immediately, (2) large amounts are transferred and it is imperative to be able to confirm receipt, and (3) international payments are made. The process of outgoing wire transfers involves the department initating initiating the wire, Campus Accounting Services, and Oregon State Treasury.

Use the following steps to complete the form: Outgoing Wire Transfer

  1. Circle Domestic or International Wire
  2. Fill in the date you want the transfer to occur
  3. Fill in the Amount of Transfer
  4. Beneficiary:  This is the name of the person or entity that will receive the funds
  5. Beneficiary Account # and IBAN #.  This is the bank account number or their IBAN# (international bank account number).  This number, IBAN#,  has to be included for all European wires
  6. Beneficiary street address
  7. Beneficiary city/state/country
  8. Beneficiary Bank name
  9. Beneficiary Bank ABA routing # for domestic wires or SWIFT/BIC# for foreign wires
  10. Beneficiary Bank street address
  11. Beneficiary Bank city/state/country
  12. Beneficiary Contact Name and phone number
  13. Message for the Beneficiary (indicate payment is from PSU and include at least invoice number or similar information)
  14. Obtain Department Approver signature, date, fill in phone number (We only accept signatures of the approvers listed on PSU Signature Authorization form) For wire transfer that will be charged to a grant index code, it must be first approved by an authorized DRA before submitting the paperwork to FAST-CAS
  15. Institution Accounting Information: type in the PSU department name, index or Fund/org/Program and account code being charged
  16. Attach the original invoice or similar documentation, backup documents showing that banking information on the wire transfer request form was from same vendor, and copy of Contract (if required)
  17. Forward the completed wire transfer form and above documents to FAST-CAS
  18. FAST-CAS will:
    • Check for Bank information supplied by vendor (if not on invoice)
    • Check for Copy of contract or PO if contract is required
    • Complete OST Request for Wire Transfer form
    • Obtain UFS Approval Signatures (requires 2) 
    • Date the OST form with contact phone information
    • Fax to Oregon Treasury
    • Once money is taken out of our account and documented on bank statement, FAST-CAS takes it to Cashiers who records in Banner the debit to index and account code.
    • Note:  Transaction is seen by departments in FGIBDST, not Vendor History
