Corresponding Policy: See /wiki/spaces/~655483049/pages/992542831‘Procurement Card' policy.
Corresponding Forms: P-Card Signature Sheet, P-Card Account Maintenance, P-Card Missing Receipt Memo, P-Card Log
Process: Getting a Summary of the Procurement Card Program
Card Types Defined
Procurement Card | Group Travel Card | Fuel Card | Corporate Card |
Department card used to purchase regularly consumed supplies under $5,000. | Department card used in procuring travel arrangements for PSU related travel for groups and or teams. | Department card used to purchase fuel for PSU related travel. Fuel purchases only allowed on rental cars or PSU owned cars. | Charge card issued to PSU employee to pay for business expenses. Card is a personal liability card. |
Key Roles in P-Card Module Defined
Budget Authority (BA) | Business Manager (BM) | Card Custodian/Backup Custodian (CC) | Card User (CU) |
Individual responsible for budget of dept. Person who signs off on monthly log and statement that all charges are accurate and appropriate. | Individual who is Chief Accounting or Budgetary Officer. Serves as backup to Card Custodian. BA and BM can be the same person. | Individual responsible for safeguarding card, maintaining complete & accurate records, and reconciliation. Person who signs off on monthly log and statement that all charges are accurate and appropriate. | Individual authorized (by signing the 3rd pg of the Signature Sheet and passing the online P-Card test) to use card to make purchases on behalf of department. |
Frequently Used Banner Screens
Screen to distribute Card charges & credits | Screen to add additional text | Banner report showing undistributed transactions | Banner report showing un/distributed transactions by fiscal period | Banner report showing all transactions for a specified date range |
Lost/Stolen Cards or Fraudulent Charges
Travel, capitalized equipment >$5000, cash advances, PSC, rentals involving a contract, awards/prizes, alcoholic beverages, gifts/gift cards/flowers, other PSU departments, or personal purposes.
Important Dates
3rd Working Day of the Month | 21 Days after Cycle Date | As Soon as Possible |
Deadline for distributing all transactions in Banner | Deadline for sending in all copies of signed bank statement | Departments should be distributing transactions |
When to Add FOATEXT
All Tax reportable Acct. Codes (those w/ * on the frequently used account code list), Fuel purchases, Travel expenses, Commodity description left blank and the following account codes: 20108, 20201, 22502, 28601, 28901 and 29xxx.