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Tasks & Triggers
Billing changes for Telecom/Networking requests
New telecom service request → Create PCR service order (JSD ticket + work summary into description, index code into owner, add expected actions, Save) → coordinate telecom work in JSD
when work is complete → refine PCR service order with actual actions & charges, copy service order description into each charge description, verify GLA and Total, move Pending to Complete, Save, finalize order with date in appropriate billing period.
End-of-month Banner JV export
Four days before the end of the month (CHANGE?) → export JV to Banner (Admin tab > Billing > Bills > Generate Bill (uncheck Test bill, verify date range) > reload, takes a few minutes → select & Approve → email Alex/Michele/Margaret Hernandez/Dan Weiss/Karen Erwin (CHANGE?) to inform them to look for errors → export is slurped into Banner overnight? → if errors, Michele fixes the current month’s Banner export and emails Indy with details to change in PCR → Indy forwards to Jira → Indy creates a PCR work order for TEL (Owner Change > New Owner) or directly changes Expense GLA for other services
Charge catalog items
Add a new charge catalog item