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Monthly billing for JV customers

Monthly charge creation

AdobeSign rebilling

(800 Numbers, Expanded Conference Calling) Michele exports service rebilling report/invoice and emails →

  1. Create one service order for all charges (TEL101 as top-level index code)

    1. Create charge for each line/usage in report, with charge override for actual amount, GLA override for index code, Customer-friendly description

      1. 800 Numbers: charge code TOLLFR-USAGE, one charge for each 800 number

      2. Expanded Conference Calling: charge code CONF, calls are grouped by moderator PIN code [mapping to index codes in CIO I: Drive\Administrative\FY 2020-2021\AP\PO and Invoices\Arkadin (NTT Cloud Com)], one charge for each call

  2. Save, Complete, Finalize service order.

(Adobe Sign) Fifth of each month →

  1. Export billing report from Adobe Sign: Reports > Create a new report > Set Creation Date to Last Month > Run Report

  2. Save Report (using a name containing the scoped month/year), then Export report data

    1. Wait a bit while report is generated, go back to main Reports screen, reload, will appear under My Export Report Data

  3. Download the CSV file

  4. Clean up report to remove rows that don’t represent billed transactions from Adobe Sign

    1. Create new column A, copy formula =AND(G2=V2,W2="",H2<>"Default Group",BQ2<>"FORM_FILLER") to all rows

    2. Select whole sheet, select Filter

    3. Filter out TRUEs in new column A (including only FALSE)

    4. Filter on Agreement Status, including only Canceled, Completed, In Process

    5. Find & Select > Go To Special > Visible cells only, Copy and Paste selected rows into a new Sheet

    6. Save As new filtered CSV file (containing just rows we want to bill)

    7. In PCR: Admin > Imports / Exports > Import Files > Import Files

    8. Test import: Upload File(s) > search for “adobe” in Import File Format > Test Import File > select filtered file

      1. Wait a bit while file is processed, watch for green checkmark under Processed & total rows under Added Count

    9. Real import: Upload File(s) > search for “adobe” in Import File Format > Upload Import File > select filtered file

      1. Wait a bit while file is processed, watch for green checkmark under Processed


Low-Level Specific Procedures in PCR-360
