Refine PCR Service Order with Actions & Charges that actually occurred
Copy Service Order description into each Charge description, verify total charges and GLA
Move Service Order from Pending to Complete, Save, Finalize order effective today
Monthly charge creation
Import AdobeSign charges into PCR-360
(800 Numbers, Expanded Conference Calling) Michele exports service rebilling report/invoice and emails help-billing →
Create one service order for all charges
Owner - Department: 610300: TEL Telecommunications
Requestor: Webber, Michele
Description like
Ticket# ITSD-86303 AT&T Toll Free Usage Rebilling, Banner I10755594, August 2021
Ticket# ITSD-87303 Arkadin Conference Call Rebilling, Invoice 2108178103, Banner I1075908, August 2021
Create charge for each line/usage in report, with charge override for actual amount, GLA override for index code, Customer-friendly description
800 Numbers: charge code TOLLFR-USAGE, one charge for each 800 number, Description like Toll-free billing for July 2021 on line 800-879-5088
Expanded Conference Calling: charge code CONF, calls are grouped by moderator PIN code [mapping to index codes], one charge for each call, Description like Conference call charges for host UC Attorneys 6/4/2021
Save, Verify total charge amount, Complete, Finalize service order.
Process a cash customer payment
Monthly billing for JV and cash customers
Low-Level Specific Procedures in PCR-360
Charge (catalog item)
When you modify the price for a recurring charge, make sure to select Update – Date to Last Billed so that the next billing cycle uses only the new price. (Otherwise the customer may be billed twice, once at the old price and once at the new.) [PCR-360 Documentation]
Service (instance)
Bulk updates
Service (catalog item)
Update cash customer contact info
Change Contact Information google sheet & PCR-360 (People > Departmental Hierarchy)
Review cash customer balance/bills
Service → PCR → Banner billing cadence