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titleStep 2: create a group

Since each item is associated with its respective group, you have to make your groups before you make your items.

To make your group:

  1. Using the Administrative Menu, add a Gallery Group ("Content" → "Add Content" → "Gallery: Group")

  2. The fields to complete are:

    • Group Title: The group name, it will be visible to the public. This is also used when creating items for this group, so remember the group title

    • First Section Title: Heading that displays in the top of the right sidebar of every item in this group. 

    • First Section Content: Paragraph text that will display directly beneath the First Section Title in the right sidebar of every item in this group. 

    • Second Section Title: Heading that displays below the First Section Content in the right sidebar of every item in this group. 

    • Second Section Content: Paragraph text that will display directly beneath the Second Section Title in the right sidebar of every item in this group. 

    • Featured Image: The thumbnail image that will display when seeing viewing the group in the overarching gallery or if it’s included in a Featured Groups block

    • Gallery Group featured tag: An OPTIONAL tag used to curate specific groups to feature on your site. If you’re using this feature, the tag has to be created before adding it to a group ("Structure" → "Taxonomy" → "Portfolio Class Featured Tag"). You can add multiple tags by separating them with commas.

  3. Check the “Published” box.

  4. Save your group.

titleStep 3: create a group item

After your group has been created, you can start creating items to add to that group.

To create an item:

  1. Using the Administrative Menu, add a Gallery Group Item ("Content" → "Add Content" → "Gallery Group Item")

  2. The fields to complete are:

    • Item Title: This is the page title

    • Item Subtitle: Displays beneath the page title on the item page. In the Gallery Group page (where it shows all the items in the group), it displays above the page title for this item's thumbnail. 

    • Group Title: Start typing in the name of the group you want this item associated with - the names of existing groups will auto-populate for you to select from

    • Date: An optional field if you want a specific date associated with the item.

    • Term: A required field that displays on the item page.

    • Content Title: Heading that displays directly above the Item Content text.

    • Item Content: Paragraph text that is specific to this item; displays directly below the Content Title. 

    • Image: Select one or more images to represent this item. If more than one is selected, the images will display as a carousel. You must also add caption information to each image. Important: check "Featured Image" to select which image will display as the primary thumbnail for this item.

    • Featured Item Tags: Tags used to see view items from different groups with similar topics, or used to feature particular items based on topic. These tags must be created prior to adding them to your items - instructions are in "Step 4 - Create an item tag". To add more than one tag, select “Add another item” under this field. You can save the item prior to adding tags to it.

  3. Check the “Published” box.

  4. Save your item.

titleStep 4: create an item tag

Each item should have one or more tags associated with it. This is separate from the groups in that these tags are topical and used to help visitors find projects from different groups that have similar topics.

This is an area where you’ll want to consider strategy. Tags should not be so granular in topic that only one or two items will apply to them. Rather, you’ll want general tags that many items can be associated with. Suggestions for terms include: “Piano”, “Mixed Media”, “Award Winners”, or “Senior Projects”.

To view existing terms and create a new one:

  1. Using the Administrative Menu, view the Gallery Item Tags ("Structure" → "Taxonomy" → "Portfolio Project Tags")

  2. Review the existing terms to see determine if something new is needed for the items you’re planning on creating. If so, then select “Add term” to create a new term.

  3. The fields to complete are:

    • Name: The name of this tag. It will be visible to the public, so should be clear, concise, and topic-based.

    • None of the other fields need to be completed.

  4. Save the term and add it to the appropriate Portfolio Project Items. 
