The ICAT team provides PCR-360 as a service to OIT to use for billing administration, supporting the application (using OIT Managed Servers co-managed by LAP).
The TDC team (Indy) uses PCR-360 to coordinate TI Telecom service request fulfillment, with integrated billing service/charge changes
The SMO team (Indy and Brent) uses PCR-360 to administer OIT billing:
Import rebilled vendor charges (Adobe Sign e-signature, 800 Numbers, Expanded Conference Calling)
Process changes/charges from all "Billing change" requests + credits for all services/charges
Charge campus customers for miscellaneous bills paid by OIT
Trigger the monthly PCR-to-Banner JV export & resolve Banner JV load failures due to expired index codes
Create & send monthly bills for cash customers
Process payments from cash customers
Michele handles related tasks:
Alter Banner JVs before resubmission to address expired index codes
Issue credits/refunds to cash customers
State bond reconciliations for project charges billed to CPC index codes
Department fiscal officers see charges against their index codes via financial reports in Banner
Telecom Coordinators and fiscal officers can view detailed invoices for any index code in the PCR-360 customer center