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Department Request for Contract Review
Complete the IT Solution and Service Contract Reviewsolution and service contract review request form with as much detail as possible. Please attach documentation relating to the product or service. This may include the contract, statement of work, security information (such as a privacy policy, HECVAT, or SOC2), and/or accessibility reports (such as a VPAT or ACR). After submitting the request, you may be asked to:
Answer follow-up questions related to documentation.
Work with OIT to facilitate meaningful dialogue with the vendor or other campus stakeholders.
Document ongoing security, privacy, and accessibility and support as necessary
Submit an E qually Equally Effective Alternate Access Plan (EEAAP) If an IT solution or service is found to have significant accessibility barriers, for example, procuring parties may be asked to fill out an Equally Effective Alternate Access Plan (EEAAP). Should accessibility issues arise for users with disabilities, procuring parties would then be better prepared to work with the Digital Accessibility Resource Center (DRC) and Human Resources (HR) as necessary.