Table of Contents |
With the vendor’s support or documentation:
Determine if accounts can be provisioned upon login or accounts must be created beforehand.
Some vendors are able to automatically create accounts for any unknown user upon successful login, sometimes called “Just-In-Time” (JIT) provisioning, while other vendors require accounts to be created before users are able to login. For the latter case, arrangements need to be made outside of SSO, such as with an integration by IAM or Banner/Enterprise Solutions, manual account creation, etc.Determine if SAML or CAS will be used.
Some applications only offer one option. If there is a choice, SAML is recommended.Determine if attributes are needed in addition to the attributes released by default.
Complete the PSU Single Sign-On Application Request Form. Provide information to the vendor about PSU’s SSO configuration.
Contact OIT's Identity and Access Management (IAM) team for assistance with the vendor’s forms or questionnaires for implementing SSO.
From the vendor, we need either:The SAML metadata for the Service Provider.
Data required for us to create SAML metadata, viz.:
One or more URLs for Assertion Consumer Service endpoint.
Zero or more public keys/certificates for signing and encryption.
Configure a test instance.
We recommend using a test application instance using our stage environment to get the application working with the SSO testing environment. If possible, keep the test instance to validate future SSO changes before they are moved to production.If troubleshooting is called for, IAM might ask to point to our development environment. Unless your application provides three different environments, do not configure for this environment unless requested.
Note that only our production identity provider has metadata published through InCommon Federation; non-production instances will require manually importing metadata.Configure a production instance.
Use the production information below to configure a production instance of the application.
Organization: Portland State University
Contact: IAM Team <>
Member of InCommon: Yes
Identity Provider (IdP): Shibboleth 4.0
Service Providers not registered with InCommon require either SAML metadata or URLs of protocol endpoints/bindings. In either case, PSU’s SSO requires explicit configuration with the metadata provided by the SP or by creating metadata from the SP’s protocol endpoints.
Production | |||||||||
Entity ID | | ||||||||
Metadata | | ||||||||
Login URL | | ||||||||
Logout URL | | ||||||||
Public Keys |
Stage | |||||||||
Entity ID | | ||||||||
Metadata | | ||||||||
Login URL | | ||||||||
Logout URL | | ||||||||
Public Keys |
Development | |||||||||
Entity ID | | ||||||||
Metadata | | ||||||||
Login URL | | ||||||||
Logout URL | | ||||||||
Public Keys |
CAS configuration
CAS protocol version: 2.0
Production | |
Server | |
Port | 443 |
Logout | |
CASLoginURL | |
CASValidateURL | |
CASProxyValidateURL | |
Stage | |
Server | |
Port | 443 |
Logout | |
CASLoginURL | |
CASValidateURL | |
CASProxyValidateURL | |
Development | |
Server | |
Port | 443 |
Logout | |
CASLoginURL | |
CASValidateURL | |
CASProxyValidateURL | |
Attributes are user data that are released by Shibboleth to the application upon successful login. See the eduPerson standard for more detailed descriptions of most of these.
Friendly Name | SAML v2 Name | Description |
psuuuid | urn:oid: | Universally unique identifier |
uid | urn:oid:0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.1 | Odin username |
urn:oid:0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.3 | Email address | |
sn | urn:oid: | Last name |
givenName | urn:oid: | First name |
displayName | urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113730.3.1.241 | Full name |
eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation | urn:oid: | Primary role |
eduPersonScopedAffiliation | urn:oid: | List of roles with domain scope, enables distinguishing co-admits and similar |
eduPersonAffiliation | urn:oid: | List of roles |
eduPersonPrincipalName | urn:oid: | Scoped uid, i.e., |
eduPersonEntitlement | urn:oid: | List of entitlements permitting access for a limited number of cases |
eduPersonDisplayPronouns | urn:oid: | User-provided pronouns for display |
UDC_IDENTIFIER† | urn:oid:udc-identifier-oid | Banner identifier |
eduPersonUniqueId† | urn:oid: | Student and employee ID, aka Banner 9-number, Spriden ID |
eduPersonTargetedId | urn:oid: | Universally unique identifier (note that we provide this as a simple string format, rather than the “NameID” format some vendors require) |
† Available upon request with suitable business case.
Odin usernames are occasionally renamed due to special circumstances. Administrators of SSO enabled applications should subscribe to the OIT account rename notification list.
This will allow you to handle account renames in your application if necessary.
Often a vendor will request a test account for use in setting up SSO. We do not currently have test accounts in production, but departments can set up affiliate accounts for vendors. Learn more about affiliate accounts.
Frequently asked questions
These attributes use a controlled vocabulary from the eduPerson specification. Permissible values are faculty, student, staff, alum, member, affiliate, employee, library-walk-in. Read an explanation of what these values mean as part of the eduPersonAffiliation definition.
The scope of eduPersonScopedAffiliation attributes will usually be “”. Due to programs such as co-admission with other local institutions, there may be values with other scopes, such as “”; however, anyone eligible for student benefits at PSU will also have “”.
To distinguish between regular employees and student workers, however, use the single-valued eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation. Both cases will have eduPersonScopedAffiliation value “” (and regular employees who are also part-time students will have “”); however, student workers will have eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation value of “student” and regular employees will have “faculty” or “staff”.