Visit vpn.pdx.edu and log in with your Odin account username and password. You will be prompted to authenticate with Duo Two-Factor Authentication.
Select the Download button to save the installation package, then locate and open the downloaded file.
The file will mount a disk image. Open this disk image and launch the file named "cisco-secure-client-macos-XXXXXX".
Follow the onscreen prompts to install the software.
Once Cisco Secure Client has installed, open Applications in Finder, then open the Cisco folder and launch Secure Client.
In the VPN area, type vpn.pdx.edu then select Connect.
Note: If you are a faculty or staff member and would like to have all of your network traffic pass through the VPN (versus just traffic destined for PSU’s network), then you can type vpn.pdx.edu/full. This is recommended when you connect from public networks, such as coffee shops or airports.A dialogue box will appear. From the Group menu:
Students: Select 3-Student Duo-Default.
Employees/Affiliates: Select 1-Employee Duo-Default.
Type your Odin account username and password then select OK.
To disconnect, select Disconnect from the VPN area.