Versions Compared


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Research Computing includes resources ranging from laptop to supercomputer, from Excel-scale to exascale, with the purpose of facilitating scientific discovery. 

The Office of Information Technology (OIT) provides servers, data storage, networking, and a broad range of software to handle many different computational requirements. These systems provide platforms for very long-running processes, and platforms for high-performance, parallel computing at scale with MPI. These systems also supply data storage for active computing, and give you access to a range of installed research software.


Request Research Computing Access to computational to computational systems via the PSU Help Center.


  • Virtual Private Network (VPN)
    The campus Virtual Private Network (VPN) provides off-campus access to all OIT computing resources including I Drive research share access and access to computational systems.

  • Secure Shell (SSH)
    Secure Shell (SSH) is a technology that allows you to securely obtain remote shell access to OIT research computing infrastructure.  

Computational Systems  Systems

These systems provide access to many commonly-used software, compilers, and programming languages.

  • HPC Cluster
    OIT maintains one production HPC cluster, Coeus, in support of scalable computing work. The Coeus cluster also has twelve servers equipped with Nvidia GPUs.  

  • Windows Computing
    OIT provides Windows Compute Intensive services through for users who have requested access.

  • General Linux Computing
    OIT maintains three general Linux compute servers separate from the Linux HPC cluster environment.