Research Computing includes resources ranging from laptop to supercomputer, from Excel-scale to exascale, with the purpose of facilitating scientific discovery.
The Office of Information Technology (OIT) provides servers, data storage, networking, and a broad range of software to handle many different computational requirements. These systems provide platforms for very long-running processes, and platforms for high-performance, parallel computing at scale with MPI. These systems also supply data storage for active computing, and give you access to a range of installed research software.
Research Computing Website
The The Research Computing website provides provides comprehensive information about the systems, software, and services available to the PSU community. There, you'll find answers to research computing-related questions, guides to using HPC and general Linux and Windows systems, available software, Globus for large data transfer, and research networking.
Request Research Computing Access to computational to computational systems via the PSU Help Center.
OIT provides a range of resources to support remote academic research work, including including systems and access to software. Many Many groups are shifting from lab and field work, and are instead focusing on computational activities. All central OIT Research Computing (RC) infrastructure is available remotely from off-campus, including storage and computational resources, and are available to students and faculty.
Remote Access Options
Virtual Private Network (VPN)
The campus Virtual Private Network (VPN) provides off-campus access to all OIT computing resources including I Drive research share access and access to computational systems.Secure Shell (SSH)
Secure Shell (SSH) is a technology that allows you to securely obtain remote shell access to OIT research computing infrastructure.
Computational Systems Systems
These systems provide access to many commonly-used software, compilers, and programming languages.
HPC Cluster
OIT maintains one production HPC cluster, Coeus, in support of scalable computing work. The Coeus cluster also has twelve servers equipped with Nvidia GPUs.Windows Computing
OIT provides Windows Compute Intensive services through for users who have requested access.General Linux Computing
OIT maintains three general Linux compute servers separate from the Linux HPC cluster environment.
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