Review nightly feed suite and audit reports and OnBase travel/PR load
“[Travel Reports] Travel I/F” messages reports - review these for any TR/TA/TV/PR that bombed; review reason; issues are tracked on this worksheet
- if it’s just account code, correct and resubmit the text file (resubmit instructions below)
- if index, see if there is a better index available, correct and resubmit
- if grant, see if grant is closed, ask SPA to reopen or provide a new grant code; update and resubmit
- to resubmit the file:
- copy the text string of the existing file layout from the flat file output to a blank Notepad file
- save file with file name TVresubmit(original transaction number) - for example if you needed to resubmit TR123456, the new file name would be TVresubmtTR123456
- open WinSCP and log in
- drag renamed file to the err_reload folder
- In Banner, run ZF_INVOICE_UPLOAD job sub; no data to enter; click Next Section through each section then click Save; that puts the file on the server to be processed that evening along with the rest of that day’s OnBase work
Library invoice feed (weird subject line with a bunch of numbers)
usually loads OK, but sometimes they have a payment to a vendor that just connected to PaymentWorks and the available remittance addresses have changed; contact Elsa Loftis (eloftis@pdx.edu) and Will Fanning (rfanning@pdx.edu) to let them know the Alma system invoice voucher needs to be resubmitted)
fis nightly report suite
fgrtrnr_a report shows any trnr process documents that need to be updated to post
fis fac inv report
check for invoices that error out; they will need to be resubmitted through AiM or manually entered in Banner; convey info to member of facilities accounting group doing invoice entry
shows PCard transactions that didn’t feed as expected; check for error message; usual reason is transaction was somehow completed without a commodity description; transaction needs to get rolled back to an unfed status; use banweb, Admin tab, PCard transaction rollback option; enter IV doc number and click Submit;
Review details shown to ensure it’s the right transaction. Click Delete
Notify pcard@pdx.edu and cc to Margaret Hernandez (hernanm@pdx.edu) about the rollback; info on email should show:
assigned invoice IVxxxxxx
Card ending - xxxxxx
Bank Post Date - MM/DD/YYYY
Feed date - MM/DD/YYYY
Invoice Date - MM/DD/YYYY
Amt - $amount
Vendor -vendor name
Custodian - ODIN ID
As of November 2024, the PCard program manager has access in banweb to do these updates as well.
zfrfisa_purch_probs - shows incomplete invoices, POs and PCard transactions that didn’t feed as expected; check on invoices and POs to see if they may need to be deleted because they are not fully filled out and from a prior business day
Bank Rec Deposits - check for deposits against a deposit code that’s not set up in our Banner instance; notify Linda Troupe and Clint; may not require update as sometime these posting are actually in Banner
in OnBase travel/PR load, review PRs over $100 to look for issues with reasonableness of account code or if reimbursement is being processed with the right process; issues are track on this worksheet
Run FGRIDOC to review incomplete POs, invoices and any JA journal vouchers (travel authorization liquidations)
- POs get stuck waiting for CAPS to approve contract or when CAPS denies PO out of Banner approvals; check status and contact inputter to complete PO if things are ready
- invoices get returned for update and inputters ignore Banner messages - check GUAMESG to see if approver provided reason for document being returned; if no message, check FOIAPHT to see if inputter denied invoice; email inputter to check if document is still needed or can be recompleted with required updates
- JA docs get mixed up when they get created from OnBase and don’t always have the correct FOAPAL details; review in FGIENCD and check on what the correct FOAPALs should be; open JV in FGAJVCD, removed messed up FOAPAL details and enter correct onesRun ZFPRITBP and check if any invoices are noted as using address type other than VP; see if a matching address to the problematic one(s) exists by opening FAIINVE, determine vendor ID, use FTMVEND to check addresses; use FZPINCH to update address
Review incoming email from across campus seeking Banner document assistance and respond as needed
Friday - special FIS audit reports
FOMPROF and FIS Approval Queue Audit Report - review issues noted
some things that come up, but are OK as is:
Employees who are terminated but whose fobprof web indicator is still checked:
userid username ee_term_date q_id q_term_date
Paula Nguyen 31-MAR-2021
ANT6 An Tran 13-MAY-2022
Both are former PSU employees now working for PSUF and need FOMPROF Self Service Access box checked
Employees who have no active job but whose fobprof web indicator is still checked:
userid username fobprof_web_ind'
Andrew Fountain
He is still and active PI on grants and wants to be able to access his PINxxx indexes to check balances
For Employees whose FOMPROF and HR org codes differ, go to FOMPROF and change Organization to the one in the HR_org column (leave THOODE and LOVELAT, report is not correct)
For Users granted BAN_FIS_PURCHASING_DEPT_C in the last 7 days go to FOMPROF and check the box for Purchase Order Hold Override
Check FIS Security Audit Report
For FIS users who were assigned a new position in the past 7 days, look for those people who handle daily transactional or approval processes or are dept chairs; add to psu-fin-announce-group@pdx.edu (https://groups.google.com/u/1/a/pdx.edu/g/psu-fin-announce-group?pli=1 ) if not already on it
For Users who are in both ap check processing and vendor maint groups, OK for KING4 to be there “
Travel reimbursement records driven by travel module
shows potential duplicate payments for travel reimbursements - most likely the payments aren’t duplicates for the same trip, just repeating dollar amounts for regular trips or for $0 when there is a travel advance involved and the reimbursement invoice ends up at $0, or the same advance amount provided for different trips; add column to the far right labeled “Information”; review the entries and determine if a real duplicate payment has occurred; when the expense is for a recurring trip, enter “different trips same reimb amt” in the Information column; when the expense was for a trip connected to a travel advance and the reimbursement amount is $0, enter “different trips ea with travel advance netted against actual exp” in the Information column; if the travel advance is for different trips, enter “different trips same adv amt’ in the Information column; name the file YYYY-MM-DD of the review date; completed reviews are saved in Google Drive