Use the following steps to complete the form: Outgoing Wire Transfer
**Please note that some fields can be left BLANK if the information is submitted in PaymentWorks**
- Circle Domestic or International Wire
- Fill in the date you want the transfer to occur
- Fill in the Amount of Transfer
- Beneficiary: This is the name of the person or entity that will receive the funds
- Beneficiary Account # and IBAN #. This is the bank account number or their IBAN# (international bank account number). This number, IBAN#, has to be included for all European wires
- Beneficiary street address
- Beneficiary city/state/country
- Beneficiary Bank name
- Beneficiary Bank ABA routing # for domestic wires or SWIFT/BIC# for foreign wires
- Beneficiary Bank street address
- Beneficiary Bank city/state/country
- Beneficiary Contact Name and phone number
- Message for the Beneficiary (indicate payment is from PSU and include at least invoice number or similar information)
- Obtain Department Approver signature, date, fill in phone number (We only accept signatures of the approvers listed on PSU Signature Authorization form) For wire transfer that will be charged to a grant index code, it must be first approved by an authorized DRA before submitting the paperwork to FAST-CAS
- Institution Accounting Information: type in the PSU department name, index or Fund/org/Program and account code being charged
- Attach the original invoice or similar documentation, backup documents showing that banking information on the wire transfer request form was from same vendor, and copy of Contract (if required)
- Forward Upload the completed wire transfer form and above documents to FAST-CAS using our Secure Upload Portal at https://fast.pdx.edu/services/misc/webform/form/upload
- FAST-CAS will:
- Check for Bank information supplied by vendor (if not on invoice)
- Check for Copy of contract or PO if contract is required
- Complete OST Request for Wire Transfer form
- Obtain UFS Approval Signatures (requires 2)
- Date the OST form with contact phone information
- Fax to Oregon Treasury
- Once money is taken out of our account and documented on bank statement, FAST-CAS takes it to Cashiers who records in Banner the debit to index and account code.
- Note: Transaction is seen by departments in FGIBDST, not Vendor History