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This page details the Digital Accessibility and Content (DAC) team’s response to any reported accessibility issues regarding our supported systems. This applies both to issues we are able to remediate in house and issues that must be deferred to the vendor for triage and remediation.

Replicate and Document the Issue

Attempt to validate the reported issue, determine the extent and severity of the associated accessibility barrier(s), and assign remediation and response to the appropriate responsible party.

In-House Remediation and Response

If the responsible party is the systems administrator or an internal content contributor, the issue should be resolved in house. Please refer to the follow resources for guidance and consultation as necessary:

Vendor Remediation and Response

Issues that cannot be remediated in house must be escalated to the vendor for resolution. Even if the system administrator or an internal content contributor is able to craft a workaround for a reported accessibility issues, it is important to inform the vendor, such that the underlying bug is addressed as soon as possible.

  1. Prepare a vendor specific report using the Accessibility Incident Validation Template.

  2. Send a customized version of the following email template to the vendor:
    Expandable template including a link to an updated IT Accessibility Roadmap Template.

  3. Prepare an Equally Effective Alternative Access Plan to mitigate the impact of validated accessibility barriers until they are remediated

  4. Regularly follow up with the vendor until reported issues are remediated.

Follow Up with Customer

Tell the customer that we fixed it or what our follow up is.

  1. I fixed it

  2. We reported it to the vendor and they fixed it

  3. Here’s our EEAAP




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