Charge (catalog item)
Navigate to Main > Catalog > Charges
If the charge should have a Parent folder/hierarchy, navigate there.
Click Add
Provide Name, Description, Type, Default Amount modeled on a similar charge catalog item
Check Allow Override Amount if default amount should be customizable per instance
Set Qty to Disabled if this charge is only billed in full, to Whole if it scales per unit (for instance, if the charge is per GB and will be multiplied by a number of GB)
Set Revenue and Expense exactly as found on another similar charge catalog item, if not provided by the Parent.
Click Save and review your addition.
When you modify the price for a recurring charge, make sure to select Update – Date to Last Billed so that the next billing cycle uses only the new price. (Otherwise the customer may be billed twice, once at the old price and once at the new.) [PCR-360 Documentation]
Service (catalog item)
Navigate to Main > Catalog > Services
If the charge should have a Parent folder/hierarchy, navigate there.
Click Add
Provide Name (using style from other similar services)
Check Assignable
Set Revenue exactly as found on another similar charge catalog item, if not provided by the Parent.
Add Default Charge(s) if every instance always includes one or more charge items at a basic level. Otherwise leave this empty, to be provided when service instance is set up.
Click Save and review your addition.
Service (instance)
When adding a service instance, check what charges are added by default. If there are no charges, you need to add the appropriate one(s). If there are default basic charges, you may need to add additional charges for additional resources.
Bulk updates
Cash customers
Update cash customer contact info
Change Contact Information google sheet & PCR-360 (People > Departmental Hierarchy)
Review cash customer balance/bills
Reporting > Bills/Calls > GLA Account Management