Learn about making and editing news, events, and profiles to display either only on your site or to syndicate throughout PDX.edu.
Any content added to PDX.edu site must be accessible to users with disabilities and follow appropriate legal guidelines. Additional information can be found in PSU’s Digital Accessibility, Digital Privacy, and Copyright policies.
On this page
Any content added to a PDX.edu site must be accessible to users with disabilities and follow appropriate legal guidelines. Additional information can be found in PSU’s Digital Accessibility, Digital Privacy, and Copyright policies.
What is Syndication?
Syndication is the site used to create and share news, event, and profiles with multiple PDX.edu sites, including top-level PDX.edu.
A few things to note:
The login for Syndication is https://drupal-admin.web.wdt.pdx.edu/syndication/login; for more details on accessing a PDX.edu website please review the Getting Started documentation.
All syndicated content can only be created and edited in syndication
Never link directly to content from syndication. Double-check the URLs to make sure they do not contain “drupal-admin.web.wdt.pdx.edu/syndication”; use the URLs that are created when the content is viewed on a PDX.edu site.
If a piece of content is syndicated to your site that you do not want to be displayed on your site, you’ll need to removed your site’s tag from the content in Syndication.
Site owners are able to update Syndication subscriptions for their sites; learn more in the Site Contact & Ownership documentation.
Site owners are also responsible for adding/removing users to Syndication. If you need Syndication access, contact your site’s owner.
Syndication access is only available while on campus using a PSU network or while connected to the VPN if working off-campus. Set up your VPN.
Note: follow the instructions for vpn.pdx.edu/full when accessing the VPN; the standard VPN will not let you login to your site.
Creating and managing news and events
Managing news articles
Managing events
Syndicating news and events
Creating and managing profiles
Profiles can only be created in Syndication, which allows the profile to syndicate to multiple sites (including the directory on top-level PDX.edu). If you want to make profiles for students or affiliates, we recommend making a page on your site with blurbs about each individual and other relevant information, rather than building them unique profile pages that then need to be maintained separately.
Staff and faculty profiles
Staff and faculty profiles are created using a combination of directory information from the Odin Account Manager (OAM) and from syndication. If someone has a profile built, it will display in the Faculty & Staff Directory. If they do not, their OAM directory information will display a message that the biography is unavailable. If the PSU email address they use is incongruent with the email address pulled from their OAM directory information, they likely have an email alias. If the staff or faculty member would like to make changes to, add, or remove their alias, they must fill out the Add or Manage a PSU Email Alias request form.
How to display profiles on your site
Automatically create a list of profiles
There is an automatically built profile listing page. This page displays all published profiles imported to your site. You cannot control the order they're displayed or the grouping.
You can create links to this page in the navigation menu by adding one in the PSU Primary Menu settings. You can also link to this page using CTA buttons or other links.
The URL for the page will always be pdx.edu/SITE/faculty-profile-search.
Manually create a list of profiles
You can manually create a profile list using a landing page and paragraph blocks, instead of using the automated one.
To link to a person's profile or directory listing:
Imported profiles: Find the profile in your site's profile search, and use that URL for the link.
Directory listing: If a profile has not been made, you can link to their directory listing. The URL is pdx.edu/SITE/profile/exists?id=ODIN - replace SITE with your site's URL and ODIN with the person's Odin.
Feature a specific profile
You can feature an individual profile using the "Feature: Profile" paragraph block. Add that paragraph block to a page, then type the title of a published profile on your site into the text field.