Print from a Personal Device in a Computer Lab

Select labs have the capability to accept print jobs from your personal computer or mobile device via Student Print Accounting ( Any print job sent from your personal computer or mobile device will be held in a print queue for 24 hours. After this time, it will be deleted from the print queue. If the job is released and printed, it will be charged towards your term print credit quota.

If your print credit balance goes below zero, there will be an overage charge for printing billed to your student account at the end of the term.


Table of Contents

Web Print Services

The Web Print service provides a list of printers with different capabilities and at different locations. Be sure to select the appropriate printer before you submit your print job. It is also limited in the type of files it can print.

The following Programs {extensions} are supported:

  • Adobe PDF

    • PDFs that require a password to open or have the printing disabled security policy applied will not print.

  • Microsoft Excel {xlam, xls, xlsm, xlsx, xltm, xltm}

  • Microsoft PowerPoint {pot, potm, potx, ppam, pps, ppsm, ppsx, ppt, pptm, pptx}

  • Microsoft Word {doc, docm, docx, dot, dotm, dotx, rtf, txt}

  • Image Files {bmp, dib, gif, jfif, jif, jpe, jpeg, jpg, png, tif, tiff}

Web Printing Instructions

To submit a web print job:

  1. Go to the Student Print Accounting website and sign in using your Odin username and password. (This site can be reached from off campus.)

  2. Select Web Print from the menu on the left.

  3. Select Submit a Job.

  4. Choose your desired printer from the list and select Print Options and Account Selection.

    1. Printing in color costs four (4) times the credits as grayscale (BW) printing.

  5. Enter the number of copies desired and select Upload Document.

  6. Select Choose File and find the document you wish to print, then select Open.

  7. Select Upload & Complete.

    1. Each uploaded and completed print job will be held for at least 24 hours

    2. If not released and printed within this time, the print job will automatically be deleted.

  8. Retrieve the print job from a Print Release Station in the specific lab.

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