Sharing Media in PSU MediaSpace
Sharing media allows you to provide others with helpful materials. Whether you are wanting to share a video via a link or within a course, My Media can help you. Once you have recorded or uploaded your media, there are multiple ways to share this media to others.
Sharing a Direct Link
You can share a direct link to your media using the URL listed when viewing it. This requires you to set your media entry to the unlisted permission.
Select Login from the PSU User drop down menu in PSU MediaSpace.
Log in using PSU’s Single Sign-On (SSO) page.
Expand the drop-down menu with Your Name, then select My Media.
Navigate to the video you want to edit and select the pencil-shaped Edit button to the right of the video.
Expand the Actions drop-down menu beneath your video.
In the resulting menu, select Publish
Under Publishing Status, select Unlisted.
Select the Save button, then select the Back button.
Select the Share tab, copy the URL underneath the Link to Media Page sub-tab.
Paste the URL in your destination message, document, or website.
Posting in Canvas
While you can share a direct link to your unlisted media to canvas by sharing the URL, you can also directly embed your media within the context of assignments, discussions, or quiz responses. This can be done whenever you are presented with a text entry box such as replying to a discussion.
Navigate to where you want the embedded video to appear.
In the Rich Content Editor toolbar, select the Embed My Media button (highlighted in the image).
Identify the media entry to be submitted and select Embed or select the Embed Settings gear icon to choose further embed options.
The selected video will be embedded into the text box.
Grab the Embed Code (Advanced)
Select Login from the PSU User drop down menu in PSU MediaSpace.
Log in using PSU’s Single Sign-On (SSO) page.
Expand the drop-down menu with Your Name, then select My Media.
Select the title of the video you want to share from your My Media list. This will open your video’s Media Space page.
Select the Share tab under the media title, then select Embed
Modify the embed settings:
To modify the Start Time check the Start At: checkbox, then enter the desired start time.Â
To modify the End Time check the End At: checkbox, then enter the desired end time
To modify the Player Size, Responsive Sizing must be toggled on. Â
Copy and paste the associated embed code in any web-based medium that can render this code.