pdx.edu Personal Web Spaces

PSU offers space on its web servers to students, faculty, and staff. The default space allotment for your personal web space is 500MB. Some examples of personal web space use include:

  • Faculty can use personal web space to host a curriculum vitae (CV), or course information that is inappropriate for Canvas.

  • Students can host a personal webpage or class projects and presentations. 

Table of Contents

View your Personal Web Space

You can view your personal web space on the internet at web.pdx.edu/~username, where username is your Odin username. Your homepage must be named "index.html" and must be inside the folder called "public_html" in your Unix/web folder. This is the page that visitors to your site will arrive at first.

If you are using your PSU web space (web.pdx.edu/~username) and your site is not displaying, ensure your homepage is named "index.html" and is inside the "public_html" folder.

Upload to your Personal Web Space with SFTP

To upload files to your personal web space, follow the steps below:

  1. Follow the Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) instructions to log in to the PSU servers.

  2. Open the folder named public_html.

  3. Create a webpage named index.html on your own computer and transfer it into the public_html folder.

  4. Visit web.pdx.edu/~username (where "username" is replaced by your Odin username) to see your webpage.

Further Resources

For basic information about building your own website, we recommend Codecademy's Make a Website Course. This course offers tutorials, quizzes, and projects related to introductory web design.

While OIT does not provide assistance with building a site on your personal web space, we are available for basic troubleshooting in accessing or uploading to your site. 

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