404.2 Establishing a New P-Card Program & Limit

ESTABLISHING A NEW P-CARD PROGRAM: A Procurement Card Agreement/PCard Signature Sheet obtained from the Program Administrator is completed and signed by the Custodian, as well as the other employees authorized to use the card. The Budget Authority approves the Agreement and the Program Administrator requests the card from the bank. After the card is issued, additional authorized users must sign the PCard Addendum (add the link) to be submitted to pcard@pdx.edu to notify the Program Administrator that the new card user was added. Similarly, when an authorized user is removed or terminates employment, separation procedures will be followed to ensure that their name is removed from the authorized card user list and that all parties involved in the Program, including the Budget Authority, Program Administrator, and Custodian, are notified on a timely basis.

Before submitting PCard Signature Sheet the following must take and pass the PCard Test.

  • Budget Authority
  • Business Manager
  • Card Custodian 
  • Card Users

Before submitting PCard Signature Sheet the following must submit OAM Access Request (OAR) for access in Banner:

  • Budget Authority
  • Business Manager
  • Card Custodian

CREDIT LIMIT: Based on the amount of anticipated expenditures to be made on a particular card, the Program Administrator will place a limit on the amount of charges allowed on each card during each billing cycle. If at any time, the limit needs to be adjusted, a P-Card Account Maintenance form needs to be completed, signed by the Budget Authority and submitted to the p-card team for approval. 

For more information pertaining to the p-card program, please see the procedures manual.

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