Corresponding Policy: See ‘/wiki/spaces/~655483049/pages/987923096’ policy.
When entering an invoice into Banner, University Financial Services requests the following information be included in the FOATEXT of the item:
- Date Received
- Location
- Serial Number
- Manufacturer
- Make
- Model
- Custodian Name and Custodian ID#
- Equipment Manager and Equipment Manager ID#
- If the individual inputting or custodian know of or would like to add a better description of the asset than what is on the invoice please include it. If not, UFS will have to use the invoice which can get tricky, as some items with only have the manufacture's asset number to describe the item
- If the asset will be used primarily for instruction or research, please specify
- Many times throughout the year UFS receives requests from various state institutions for a listing of items dedicated to these specific areas and it is easier for UFS to run reports if the information has already been entered into the system.
If you have any questions, please call 503-725-9899