Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

The information on this page is dedicated to written content, documents, images, and videos added to your site. All content added to your site must be accessible to users with disabilities and follow appropriate legal guidelines.

Review the EIT Accessibility Policy and the PSU Copyright Guide for more information.

On this page

Table of Contents

Written content

titleCopying written content from other sources

When copying written content from another program, it will try to keep the original formatting. There are two ways to fix this:

  • When pasting, use ctrl+shift+v (PC) or command+shift+v (Mac) to paste as plain text

  • After pasting, highlight the content and select the Tx button in the toolbar to clear the formatting. 

titleUsing headings

When working with text blocks, the Format drop-down lets you select your heading style. Headings are an important component of accessibility. They are a format option applied to section titles that allows visitors using screen readers to "skim" a page to understand its structure and content by jumping from section title to section title. Headings should never be used for emphasis, use bold, italics, or block quotes for those options.    

Heading 1 is shown as an option, but do not use Heading 1. That will create severe accessibility issues. 

Remember your heading structure from Digital Accessibility Basics:

  • Heading 2 is for main section titles.

    • Heading 3 is for sub-sections titles of a heading 2.

      • Heading 4 is for sub-sections titles of a heading 3.

        • Heading 5 is for sub-sections titles of a heading 4.

          • Heading 6 is for sub-sections titles of a heading 5.

titleAdding tables

You can build tables in the text blocks, just like in a Google or Word doc. However, tables should only be used for tabular content, never for visual layout. Tabular content is written content that has a clear header row or column. 

To make a table, click the Table button and complete the Table Properties popup. Things to include:

  • Select a header row or column in the Headers dropdown. This is a component of accessibility as it helps a person using a screenreader navigate the table.

  • Change the table width to "100%". This makes the table responsive to devices of different screen sizes (you don't want a fixed width). 

Important notes:

  • Tables can be added to any text block, but they should only be used in the the “Text: 1 Column” block. They don’t display correctly in other blocks.

  • Links should never be added to a header row or column as the color contrast between the background and the linked text is not sufficient for accessibility purposes. 

titleIncluding block quotes

Block quotes are an excellent way to add emphasis to important content on a page. To add a block quote, highlight the text you want in the block quote and select the quotation marks in the formatting menu. 

The block quote won't look very different on the Edit tab. However, when you save the page the text will be larger and a different color/style.

One trick to block quotes is to center align the block quote. Otherwise the formatting may look "off". 

titleMaking links

Fillable link/CTA text and URL fields

Certain sections of the site, such as most blocks and structured content, have fields where you can enter a URL and text to create either a CTA (Call to Action) or Link. 

To make your link or CTA text accessible, you'll want to keep it simple, direct, and clear. Use language that tells the visitor where the link goes, like "register now" and "more about our program". Don't use terms like "click here" or "learn more" as they're generic and present accessibility issues for visitors that use adaptive technology. All links should make sense out of context (without surrounding text). 

For the URL field:

  • Pages external to : include the full URL (including https://). 

  • Pages internal to , but not on your site: Write in /../site-name/page-name - the /../ brings the URL to the root ( ) so you can make a relative link to a site external to your own. 
    For example: /../student-life/campus-life

  • Pages internal to your site: start typing the page title and a list of options will appear. Select the appropriate page title. 

  • Linking to documents:

    • Documents hosted on : Replace everything before the site name with /../ in the URL (so the URL starts with "/../site-name/sites/" - for example: "/../student-life/sites/"). To get the URL, navigate to the document on the other site, then copy the URL from the address bar. 

    • Documents hosted elsewhere: Use the full URL.

  • Anchor links: put a # before the anchor link name, for example #anchorlink. Review the Anchor links instructions for information on making anchor links. 

  • Email: in the URL field, type "mailto:email@address". So if the email address is "", you would type in "" (without the quotes).

Links in text blocks

You can make links in text blocks just like you can in an email or document. Simply highlight the text you want linked, click the Link button (it looks like a piece fo chainmail) in the formatting menu for the text block, and select the correct destination from the dropdown list of options.

There are three different "Protocol" types you can choose from. :

  • URL: Choose the "URL" protocol type and input the full URL.

    • If linking to a page external to : you'll need to select http:// or https:// - most sites should be https://. 

    • Linking to a page internal to : select "Other" as the protocol. In the text field, replace everything before the site name with /../. So if the page is, you would write in "/../admissions/how-to-apply" (without the quotes). 
      This process applies both for links internal and external to your site, on

    • Linking to an anchor in a different text block on the page: Choose "Other" as the protocol, and write in the anchor name with a # before it. Example: #anchorname

  • Link to anchor in the text: Choose the "Link to anchor in the text" protocol type. Then follow these instructions:
    You must make the anchor before you can link to the anchor. Follow the instructions under Anchor links to make an anchor. Once the anchor is made you just need to select the anchor name from the dropdown list under "Anchor Name". 

    • Note:This only works for anchors in the same text block where you're making the link. If your anchor is in a different text block, you need to choose URL as the link type, then choose choose "Other" as the protocol. In the text box, write in the anchor name with a # before it. Example: #anchorname 

  • Email: Choose the "Email" protocol type and enter the full and correct email address.

Note: when selecting the text to link, avoid terms like "click here" and "read more" as they are generic, don't make sense out of context, and can present accessibility issues. Choose specific phrasing that tells the visitor where the link is going, like "apply now" and "learn more about accessibility". 

An anchor link is a link that directs a person to a specific part of a page (the anchor). Anchors are generally inserted further down a page, with a link of anchor links near the top of the page (much like a table fo contents). That way visitors can quickly jump to their desired destination on the page. 

You can only make anchors (the destination of the anchor link) in text blocks, but you can make the links in any block that has a URL field. 

You must make the anchor before you can link to it.

To make an anchor:

  1. Place your cursor where you want the anchor to be. Important: do not highlight any text - highlighted text will look like a link. Just place the cursor near some text.

  2. Click the Anchor button (it looks like a flag) in the formatting menu of the text block.

  3. Insert the anchor name in the popup that appears. It must be all one word (no spaces), and capitalization is important. For example: anchorname

  4. Click Ok.

You can now use that anchor to link to from within the page. Follow the instructions for adding anchor links in Links in text blocks or Fillable link/CTA text and URL fields.

If linking to the anchor from an external source (such as linking to it from another page or including the link in an email or a Facebook post), use this URL structure:

Links to documents

Making a link to a document is essentially the same as making a link to anything else. The only difference is that you need the document's URL.

If the document is hosted elsewhere (such as on Google Drive), then you can link to the Share URL for the document.

If the document was uploaded to your site, then follow these steps to get the URL:

  1. Navigate to “Content → Media”

  2. Search for the file name. You can also further filter by selecting "File" as the Media Type.

  3. Click on the file name in the icon to open the editing page for the file

  4. On the edit page, right-click the file name and select "Copy Link Address", "Copy Link URL" or whatever other language your browser uses.

  5. At the point the URL is copied and you can use it to create a link on one of your pages. However, it's best practices to make the link "relative.

  6. To make the document URL relative, replace “” or " " with /../ in the URL (so the URL starts with "/../site-name/sites/" - for example: "/../student-life/sites/"). 

Media: images, videos, & documents

titleCaptioning and transcripts

All content on the public-facing website must be accessible to people with disabilities. Accessibility is not only an important part of building a welcoming and inclusive university culture; it’s also PSU policy. This means that all multimedia content must include the following:

  • accurate, synchronized captions;

  • an accompanying transcript; and

  • audio or text descriptions for any visual elements not accurately accompanied by equivalent audio.

These features ensure that people with vision or hearing disabilities can access your multimedia content. It also allows for greater accessibility and usability for those who are second language learners, those with cognitive learning disabilities, or those who are simply trying to watch a video in a loud or distracting environment.

The Digital Accessibility Basic Training Series offer a good example of accessible multimedia content. Note that the narrator provides an audio description of visual information at the end of each video. This is an important practice to emulate when generating new multimedia content.

Captioning Options

Caption Your Own Multimedia Content

Content developers may generate captions and transcripts themselves using video hosting sites like Youtube and Media Space. Both of these services offer machine-generated captions and accompanying editing tools. Please note that machine captions are not fully accessible for people with disabilities and must be edited for accuracy. Follow these steps to caption your own Multimedia content in YouTube or Media Space:

Request Professional Captioning and Transcription

Affordable professional captioning and transcription services are currently available through OIT at a cost of $1 per video minute. Follow these steps to request paid, professional captioning and transcription:

  1. Upload your multimedia content to Media Space


  2. Submit a Caption Request for Multimedia.

  3. Allow 5-7 business days for your request to process.

Using Media Space Captions and Transcripts

Currently, you cannot embed Media Space videos on, only YouTube videos. You can, however, download the captions from Media Space and upload them to YouTube. You would then embed the captioned YouTube video and upload the associated Media Space transcript to

To Download Captions:

  1. Log in to PSU Media Space to access your video.

  2. Select the Actions button.

  3. In the resulting Actions menu, select Edit.

  4. In the resulting Edit view, select the Captions tab.

  5. In the Captions tab, select Download to access the SRT file.

  6. Upload your original video to YouTube


  7. Add the SRT file to your YouTube video


    • In the provided link, select “Upload a file.”

To Download Transcripts:

  1. Log in to PSU Media Space to access your video.

  2. In the “Attachments tab,” download the .txt file.

  3. After embedding your captioned YouTube video, upload your transcript to and include a link immediately below the video.

Refer to for an example.

titleUploading videos

Note: It's important to use this process to upload your videos. You do not want to upload them directly from your computer as our site does not have the bandwidth to host videos on the site itself. Additionally, if you're planning on using the video in a text block, please skip to the Embedding Videos in Text Blocks instructions below. 

Go to “Content → Add Media → Video Embed” to access the video embed form:

Remote video URL: This is the URL for the video you want to use. Supported resources are YouTube* and Gfycat.

Revision Information: Add details if desired, but it’s not needed.

Click “Save” when done.

Getting the Remote Video URL for YouTube

  1. Navigate to the video you want to embed

  2. Click the Share link under the video

  3. Copy the URL in the popup

  4. This is the URL you’ll use in the Video Embed form 

Getting the Remote Video URL for Gfycat

Gfycat is best used when uploading your own videos to turn into gifs. These can then be used in large and small hero headers and other blocks to give video snapshots that auto-play.

  1. Navigate to the gif you want to use.

  2. In the right-sidebar click the “Copy” button (it looks like a piece of chain). 

  3. Use this URL in the Video Embed upload form.

titleEmbedding videos

Text blocks

There are two ways to embed a video in a text block. One is through an iframe, and the other is through the video entity embed.

If embedding through the Video Entity Embed, make sure you're editing the text block you want to add the video to. Then click the "Video Entity Embed" button in the editing toolbar (it looks like a black rectangle with a right-pointing arrow in it, similar to a "play" button). In the popup, just paste the Share URL of the video you want to embed. 

If embedding using an iframe, follow the instructions for iframes in the Block Pages documentation. 

Other blocks

There are two other blocks allow you to use a video embed instead of an image. Those blocks are:

  • Header: Large Hero

  • Feature: Content with Media

To use a video embed in any of those blocks, click on "Add Media" as if you are adding an image. In the pop-up, there is an option for "Video Embed" in the left sidebar (under "Image"). Click that link.

You can then select a video embed that's already been added and click "Insert selected", or directly add a new one by entering the embed URL and clicking "Add". 


Written content


Before uploading a document, ask yourself if it really should be a document. Web content is the easiest kind of content to make accessible, and is easier to update while maintaining accessibility.

Ideally, you should only upload documents if they're intended for print distribution. If you have information that's not intended to be printed by your site visitors, then you should consider making it a web page, instead. 

If you are certain the content should be a document, you'll need to make sure it's accessible prior to uploading the document. You cannot modify the document after upload. 

To make a document accessible, follow the instructions on the Resources page of the Accessibility site. If you have questions or need further assistance, you can email 

  1. dsds

titleFrom the old documentation

Uploading documents

Go to “Content → Add Media → File” to see the file upload form: 

Name: Keep this descriptive but short. 

Summary: The site search uses the summary field since it cannot read the contents of a file.

Exclude from Search Results: Check this if you don’t want the file included in the site search. 

Revision Information: Add notes if desired.

Click “Save” when done.

Documents cannot be embedded on pages, instead you create links to them (much like any other link). After uploading the document, follow these steps to get the document URL:

  1. Go to “Content → Files”

  2. Find the file you want (either by using the search of by manually looking for it)

  3. Right-click on the file name to open the options menu

  4. Choose "Copy Link Address", "Copy Link URL", or whichever similar verbiage your browser uses

Once you've done that, the URL has been copied and you can use it to make a link on one of your pages. 

Important note: Making relative links is always best practices when making a link to a page or document. To make your document URL a relative link: replace “” or " " with /../ in the URL (so the URL starts with "/../site-name/sites/" - for example: "/../student-life/sites/"). For more information, visit the Making Links documentation

Important notes about deleting documents

Deleting a document

After you delete a document, it will no longer display in the "Media" section of your site, but it will take 6 hours for the document to be removed from the "Files" section of your site. 

So after deleting the file, it's best practices to check on the file the next day to verify deletion.

Uploading a replacement document after deletion

If you intend to upload a new file with the same URL/file name as a previously deleted file, you must wait 18 hours after initially deleting the file. So best practices would be to delete a file one day, then go in the following day to upload the new file. 

If there are pre-existing links to the file, update the links so site visitors are aware the the file is pending.

Embedding external content
