Alternative Text for Images
This help article outlines why alternative (alt) text is important for accessibility and usability, how to ensure images are accessible via alt text, and where it may be most relevant.
Why is Alt Text for Images So Important?
Many times, content creators avoid using non-text content in an attempt to create more accessible resources. But without graphics or illustrations, your content becomes less dynamic and engaging overall, and thus less accessible to visual learners and those with cognitive disabilities. However, inaccessible non-text content can pose accessibility barriers for people who have difficulty perceiving visual content. For this reason, to ensure your non-text content is accessible, navigable, and usable for everyone, you must include alternative text for all contextually relevant non-text content.
How do I Include Alt Text for Images?
Web Accessibility in Mind (WebAIM), one of the world's leading authorities in web accessibility, outlines the following, practical criteria for including alt text in their Quick Reference on Web Accessibility Principles:
For more general information regarding alt text, please refer to WebAIM’s article on Alternative Text.
Where Will Alt Text for Images Be Most Relevant?
Contextually relevant, non-text content may be included in HTML resources like web pages, web forms, social media posts, enewsletters, or in non-HTML digital resources like documents or presentations. Please reference the following links to learn how alt text can be applied in multiple digital environments:
HTML Content
For faculty and staff: Content & Media at
Non-HTML Content
Adobe Acrobat
Foxit PhantomPDF
Microsoft Office
Google Workspace
Social Media
University Policy Connection
Making images accessible with alt text is a critical step in complying with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2 per Portland State University’s Digital Accessibility Policy. Please reference the following World Wide Web Consortium help article for more information: