Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Every site has one site owner, who is the primary point of contact for the site if there are issues that need to be addressed. They also manage the following: 

  • User access for their site (i.e. adding/removing individuals who can edit site content). 

  • Site-wide Global Banner

  • Syndication Subscription settings 

  • Other configuration changes described in this document

If the Site Owner needs to change for a site, submit the Site Owner Management Form to let us know.


Any content added to a site must be accessible to users with disabilities and follow appropriate legal guidelines. Additional information can be found in PSU’s Digital Accessibility, Digital Privacy, and Copyright policies.

Contact a site owner

If there is a problem with or you need edit access to a site, contact the site owner for that site to make the request.

Managing Your Site’s User Base

Important Notes:

  • Only individuals who have completed the Digital Accessibility Basics training are eligible for site access. We will run periodic reports to validate your users have completed the training, but it is your responsibility to provide new users with the Digital Accessibility Basics registration link and confirm completion before granting access.  

  • As the site owner, you are the only person outside the Site Dev Team who can manage user permissions. If you exit this role, submit the Site Owner Management Form to let us know.

You can also add and remove users from Syndication. Please only remove your users - other Site Owners will also be adding users to Syndication according to their needs.  

titleReview Your Site’s User List
  1. Log in to your site as usual. For assistance with logging in, reference the Getting Started Documentation.  

  2. Select “People” from the admin menu near the top of the page. This is the list of anyone who has logged into your site, named by their Odin. 


  • Only individuals who have logged in to the site (whether or not they’ve gotten access) will show on this page.

  • If someone is on this list, but there is nothing in the “Roles” column, then that person cannot edit your site.   

  • Anyone with “Site Administrator” or “Drupal Administrator” permissions is part of the Site Dev Team. We need site access to manage the backend of your site; you will not be able to modify or remove our permissions.

titleAdd or Update Users on Your Site

These are the permissions you can manage as a site owner:



Content Manager

Can draft and publish content; can approve and publish drafts made by Editors. Cannot edit the Contact page or create blog content. 


Can draft content and submit it for review, but cannot independently publish content. Cannot edit the Contact page or create blog content. 


Can create and manage blog content; cannot modify other content types.

  1. Connect with the new user to ensure they have successfully logged onto your site. 

  2. Log in to your site and navigate to your user list, following the above instructions.

  3. Locate the user you would like to work with:

    • Users are named by their Odin IDs, so you’ll need to know their Odin (not their alias if they have one). 

    • Only users who have successfully logged into your site will display on the list.

    • If the user has recently logged in, they’ll be near the top of the user list.

    • You can use the search bar to search for a specific Odin.  

  4. After locating the user’s account, select “Change Roles” to the far right of their Odin. This takes you to a new page where you can select and deselect multiple roles for the user.

    • Note: if the account is deactivated, you will need to select “Activate” in the Operations column to the right of the user’s Odin. If there is no option to activate, then the account is not deactivated and this step is not required. 

  5. Select the role(s) you would like this user to have then choose “Save” to save the user’s permissions. 

  6. Provide the new user with the following information:


  • A user can have multiple permissions. For example, they can be both a Blogger and a Content Manager. Or they can be a Blogger and an Editor. However, assigning someone as a Content Manager and Editor is superfluous as these roles are symbiotic.

  • The Actions dropdown is not functional for site owners due to the nuances of our permissions settings. The only way to manage users is by selecting “Change Roles”.

Just because a user is on your list of users does not mean they have completed the Digital Accessibility Basics (DAB) training. It is your responsibility to confirm DAB training completion before giving them any user permissions.

Other Site-wide management instructions

As a site owner, you’ll first want to log in to your site.

After logging in, find these administrative management options by navigating to "Configuration → System → PDX D8 Site Config" in the administrative toolbar.

titleSetting defaults

Managing site defaults

Events layout

"Configuration → System → PDX D8 Site Config → Events"

When a site user adds an "Upcoming Events" paragraph block, it can display one of three ways: Horizontal, Vertical, or Circle. This is a global change for your site - choosing one style will make every Upcoming Events paragraph block on your site appear in that style. This only impacts the display of the paragraph block; the function will remain the same.

Gallery details

"Configuration → System → PDX D8 Site Config → Gallery"

This is the page title for the Gallery page. Not all sites use Galleries (also known as Portfolios), but if yours does, this configuration allows you to change the Gallery page title. We work with sites that do use the Gallery function to ensure they know about this feature. 

Set default images

There are two areas where you can set default images. Each one serves a slightly different function.

"Configuration → System → PDX D8 Site Config → Set Featured Block/News Article Default Image"

  • There are paragraph blocks that display a combination of recent news (or blog) posts along with a Twitter feed. These paragraph blocks require images for the news/blog articles, but those don't always have images. As such, you can choose a default image to display instead.

"Configuration → System → PDX D8 Site Config → Set Paragraph Types Default Image"

  • This is a default image if a content feed requires an image, but there's none provided. Feel free to add one, but it's not necessary. 

titleSite-wide banner

Managing the site-wide banner

"Configuration → System → PDX D8 Site Config → Global Banner"

Enter the desired text in the Banner Content text area. Choose the background color for the banner using the “Select Background Color Variation” drop-down. Exclude pages using the “Exclude Paths” field (the path is everything after your site name - eg. the path for is /news); the path for your homepage is <front>.

Required accessibility guidelines:

  • Only use this banner for the name of your parent department or college; this is never to be used for an alert or announcement as it will not be read to screen reader users.

  • To ensure your text is legible so individuals with learning disabilities:  

    • Use either all caps or italics, never both.

    • Do not underline content.

    • Use limited bold formatting.

Recommended styling guidelines:

  • Center the text

  • Single-line banners should be in all caps, with no italics:

    titleUnknown Attachment

  • We do not recommend the use of multi-line banners.

titleContact page instructions

Managing the contact page

The Contact page is your site's main point of contact. It is a templated page type, so all you need to do is build the page, add the appropriate content, and update it as needed.

Creating a contact page

Before making a contact page, verify there isn't a contact page already on your site. If your site already has a contact page, you'll want to edit that instead. 

Check if there is an existing page
  1. Use the admin menu to select "Content".

  2. In the filter options, choose "Contact" as the content type and filter. 

    1. If there are no results, then you can add a new contact page.

    2. If there are results, then edit the existing page.  

Make a new contact page

To create a contact page:

  1. Go to “Content → Add Content → Contact Page”

  2. Complete the form.

  3. Save the page.

Edit an existing contact page

To edit an existing contact page:

  1. Select "Content" in the admin menu.

  2. In the filter options, choose "Contact" as the content type and filter.

  3. Select "Edit" to the right of the contact page name.

  4. Update the form as needed.

  5. Save the page.

Contact page form fields

Page Title

Keep this descriptive but short. Suggestions: "Contact Us", "Contact Department Name", "Contact".


Displays below the page title; this is optional. 

Sidebar Title

Displays above the left sidebar, directly above the "Sidebar Links". This field is required in order to have either set of sidebar links display.

You can have as many of these as make sense. To add new ones, select "Add another item" at the bottom of this section. To delete one, just remove the content in the URL and Link Text fields.

  • URL: If the link is to a page on your site, just start typing the page name and select from the options. If the link is to an external page, enter the full and correct URL. 

  • Link Text: Make this accessible and clear. Don't repeat the URL. Generally, we suggest using the department's name (no acronyms). 

These display below the "Sidebar Links - Departments". You can have as many of these as make sense. To add new ones, select "Add another item" at the bottom of this section. To delete one, just remove the content in the URL and Link Text fields.

  • URL: If the link is to a page on your site, just start typing the page name and select from the options. If the link is to an external page, enter the full and correct URL. 

  • Link Text: Make this accessible and clear. Don't repeat the URL. Generally, we suggest using the name of the resource, or the action associated with the resource.

Contact Items

There are two types of Contact Items: the Rich Text Editor and the Social Media Icons. These display in two columns; if you add more than two, the additional ones will stack (in two columns) under the preceding ones.  Add as many as make sense.

These contact items will be divided into two columns based on the amount of text in each item.

As such, you may need to play around with it a bit to get your desired organization.    

To add a new item, select "Add Contact Item" at the bottom of this section. To delete an item, select "Remove" in the top-right of the item you want removed.

  • Rich Text Editor: This is a text entry field where you can add things like email addresses, contact information for individuals, etc. To make paragraphs, use "enter" on your keyboard if you want a large space between lines, or "shift+enter" if you want small spaces between lines. 

  • Social Media Icons: These are pre-determined social media icons (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Instagram) where you can add the details for the desired feeds. Enter the ones you want displays; any that are blank will not show. Read the help text beneath each icon type to reference what information needs to be entered. 

Additional Details

These show after the Contact Items. It's a single columns text entry field. 


You can add a single form that collects and sends information a pre-selected email address. If you want to use the webform, choose "Contact" from the dropdown and submit a support request to let us know what email you want in the webform. Be sure to include the URL of your site.

If you do not want the webform, choose "- Select -".

Contact page URL

There is one additional step to have a clean URL for your contact page:

  1. In the right sidebar, there is a section titled “URL Alias”; Find that section

  2. Deselect "Generate automatic URL alias"

  3. Replace the text in the URL alias field with /contact

  4. Syndicated Content Subscription Settings (expand)

Manage your site’s Syndicated Content subscriptions

Most sites have default subscription settings for Syndicated Content. If your site is not currently subscribed to Syndicated Content or you need to update the settings, use the Admin Menu to navigate to "Configuration → System → PDX Syndicated Content Subscriptions".

Within the form found on that page, there are a few sections of note:

  • Syndication Host: This section has a text entry field displaying the URL for our Syndication site. If prefilled, do not change this field. If there is no text in the field, enter:

  • News, Events, Profiles: These sections each contain a text entry field where you select the subscription tags for your site, separated by commas. If you would like to update your subscriptions tags, you can reference the full subscription tag list for news/events or the full subscription tag list for profiles. If you select the “Subscribe to all [content type]” checkbox, your site will import every piece of content of that type created in Syndication.

  • Identify This Site - optional: You’ll note in the full subscription tag lists that some tags have others nested under them. If your site is one of those, and you would like the option of including all content with nested tags on your site, then you can enter your site’s subscription tag as an identifier.

To change the Site Owner for a site, submit the Site Owner Management Form. Check the Site Owner Document to contact a Site Owner.