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Not all pages are landing pages; there are some special content types that are fully templated. Not everyone has access to all these content types; if there is one you think would suit your purposes, submit a support request.

On this page

Contact page

Only editable by the Site Owner for a given site. If you are the Site Owner, use the Contact Page instructions for further guidance.

Department listing

Available on all sites. If you have a group of departments under your site, you can use the automatically generated “departments” page to list them in a pre-structured format.

The URL for the page is (replace SITE with your site’s URL). Example departments.

 How to make a department listing page

The page is automatically completed with department content types. Use these instructions to make a department:

  1. Use the admin menu to navigate to "Content  → Add content → Department"

  2. Complete the form for each department:

    • Department Name: the displayed name for the department

    • Department Image: what image you want to display in the department listing

    • Department Link: the URL to the web page or site for the department

Blog pages

Available by request. A blog page looks similar to a new article, but where a news article can be built in syndication and imported to one or more sites, a blog is built directly on a site and cannot be shared between sites. Additionally, blog articles will not display in your news listing.

The URL for the page is (replace SITE with your site’s URL). Example blog.

 How to make a blog page

Step 1: make a blog taxonomy

The blog taxonomy is the list of terms (tags) visitors use to filter your blog articles. Follow these instructions to create new taxonomy terms:

  1. Use the admin menu to navigate to “Structure → Taxonomy → Blog Article Tags”

  2. Review the existing terms to verify there isn’t a functionally identical term available.

    • If there is, use that term or edit it as needed.

  3. Select "Add Term". 

  4. Enter the name for the term; ignore the other sections of the form. A few notes:

    • Use uniform capitalization methods for all your terms (i.e. sentence case, title case, etc).

    • Only create new terms that are general enough to apply to multiple blogs; best practice is to have no more than 10-15 terms.

  5. Save the term

Step 2: make a blog article

  1. Use the admin menu to navigate to “Content → Add Content → Blog Article"

  2. Complete the form

  3. Select the Published box at the bottom of the page

  4. Save the page

Campus building page

Available by request. A campus building page is a templated content type that should only be built on the Buildings Site. On that site, building pages can be searched and filtered using taxonomy terms to help interested parties find the information they need to help them navigate PSU and its physical spaces.

The URL for the page is (replace SITE with your site’s URL). Example campus buildings.

 How to make a campus building page

There are two main steps to making a campus building page: building the taxonomy and making the page.

Step 1: Campus building taxonomy

Taxonomy is the list of terms (tags) visitors use to filter your campus building pages. There are two taxonomies used for the campus buildings pages: “Facility Features” and “Department”. Follow these instructions to create new taxonomy terms:

  1. Use the admin menu to navigate to one of the following:

    • “Structure → Taxonomy → Campus Building - Department”

    • “Structure → Taxonomy → Campus Building - Facility Features)”

  2. Review the existing terms to verify there isn’t a functionally identical term available.

    • If there is, use that term or edit it as needed.

  3. Select "Add Term". 

  4. Enter the name for the term; ignore the other sections of the form. A few notes:

    • Use uniform capitalization methods for all your terms (i.e. sentence case, title case, etc).

    • For facility features, only create new terms that are general enough to apply to multiple pages; best practice is to have no more than 10-15 terms.

  5. Save the term

Step 2: make the campus buildings page

  1. Use the admin menu to navigate to “Content → Add Content → Campus Building"

  2. Complete the form

  3. Check the Published box at the bottom of the page

  4. Save the page

Form fields

Name: The actual name of the building. There is a separate section for the building code, so this should be the actual name (such as "Richard and Maurine Neuberger Center"). 

Address: This appears above the map. Hint: This displays the exact text you enter, so plan ahead of time how you want addresses to appear (just street address vs. street, city vs street, city, state, etc).  

Image: Select Add Media to select an image to add. Review the images documentation for more information. 

Building Location: In the Enter a location text box, start typing an address. Keep typing until the correct one appears, then select that address. 

About the Building: This is a basic text entry field with "About the Building" as a visible title. Plan ahead of time what kind of content you want in this area. 

Building Occupants: This is a basic text entry field with "Building Occupants" as a visible title. The planned design just listed occupants with each one linked to the department's site. It will likely duplicate the Campus Building - Department taxonomy for this page. 

Building Features: This is a basic text entry field with "Building Features" as a visible title. The content will be similar to the Campus Building - Facility Features taxonomy for this page. Plan ahead of time what kind of content you want in this area and how descriptive you would like to be. 

Building Maps: These are PDFs of floorplans and other relevant internal maps. You can add more than one (once you add one, the option to add another appears). Hint: The title of the uploaded document is what displays for visitors. As such, you want to make sure the title of the uploaded document is user-friendly (i.e. Floorplan-SMSU is better than SMSU-All Plans_6). 

Building Details: This is a basic text entry field with "Building Details" as a visible title. Plan ahead of time what kind of content you want in this area. 

Building Code: The actual building code (i.e. RMNC). This is used in the search and filtering area; it is not visible on the page itself. 

Department: This pulls from the Campus Building - Department taxonomy. Start typing a taxonomy term (it has to have already been made), and a list of options will appear. This does not actually display on the page itself, it's only used in search and filtering. 

Facility Features: This pulls from the Campus Building - Facility Features taxonomy. Start typing a taxonomy term (it has to have already been made), and a list of options will appear. This does not actually display on the page itself, it's only used in search and filtering.

Gallery page

Available by request. A gallery is a grouping of items that all have something in common. Each site can have a single overarching gallery, in which there are multiple groups. Each group then has multiple items within the group. When determining your gallery, it’s important to consider how you plan to group your items since the groupings have to stay consistent on your site.

The URL for the page is (replace SITE with your site’s URL). Example gallery.

 Planning your gallery

Planning is the most important step when creating your gallery. As such, your first step is to determine your grouping strategy. For that, it’s easier to work backward. Ask yourself:

What kind of items am I going to group? For example:

  • Student projects

  • Research projects

  • Art exhibitions

Once you know what kind of items you want to group, you’ll need to figure out how you plan to group them. Ask yourself:

What’s the most logical way for my items to be grouped? For example:

  • Class

  • Term

  • Topic

If you’re not sure how to plan this, feel free to reach out to the Web Communications team for strategy suggestions. Keep in mind, though, that each gallery needs more than one group, and each group needs more than one item. Ideally, you would have a minimum of 20 items to group in your gallery.

Once you have a planned strategy and know what kind of items you want to group, follow these instructions to create your gallery.

 Step 1: establish your gallery

Only Specialty Content Managers can make Gallery and Portfolio content. The Web Communications Team works directly with sites to establish this content type; if you're interested in establishing a gallery on your site, please reach out to so we can discuss if this is a good solution for your content.

After making arrangements with the Web Communications Team, your Site Owner can change the title of the gallery page, which can be viewed at or (if the site is brand new) Please note: this does not change the URL of the Gallery page, just the title that displays at the top of the page.

 Step 2: create a group

Since each item is associated with its respective group, you have to make your groups before you make your items.

To make your group:

  1. Using the Administrative Menu, add a Gallery Group ("Content" → "Add Content" → "Gallery: Group")

  2. The fields to complete are:

    • Group Title: The group name, it will be visible to the public. This is also used when creating items for this group, so remember the group title

    • First Section Title: Heading that displays in the top of the right sidebar of every item in this group. 

    • First Section Content: Paragraph text that will display directly beneath the First Section Title in the right sidebar of every item in this group. 

    • Second Section Title: Heading that displays below the First Section Content in the right sidebar of every item in this group. 

    • Second Section Content: Paragraph text that will display directly beneath the Second Section Title in the right sidebar of every item in this group. 

    • Featured Image: The thumbnail image that will display when viewing the group in the overarching gallery or if it’s included in a Featured Groups block

    • Gallery Group featured tag: An OPTIONAL tag used to curate specific groups to feature on your site. If you’re using this feature, the tag has to be created before adding it to a group ("Structure" → "Taxonomy" → "Portfolio Class Featured Tag"). You can add multiple tags by separating them with commas.

  3. Check the “Published” box.

  4. Save your group.

 Step 3: create a group item

After your group has been created, you can start creating items to add to that group.

To create an item:

  1. Using the Administrative Menu, add a Gallery Group Item ("Content" → "Add Content" → "Gallery Group Item")

  2. The fields to complete are:

    • Item Title: This is the page title

    • Item Subtitle: Displays beneath the page title on the item page. In the Gallery Group page (where it shows all the items in the group), it displays above the page title for this item's thumbnail. 

    • Group Title: Start typing in the name of the group you want this item associated with - the names of existing groups will auto-populate for you to select from

    • Date: An optional field if you want a specific date associated with the item.

    • Term: A required field that displays on the item page.

    • Content Title: Heading that displays directly above the Item Content text.

    • Item Content: Paragraph text that is specific to this item; displays directly below the Content Title. 

    • Image: Select one or more images to represent this item. If more than one is selected, the images will display as a carousel. You must also add caption information to each image. Important: check "Featured Image" to select which image will display as the primary thumbnail for this item.

    • Featured Item Tags: Tags used to view items from different groups with similar topics, or used to feature particular items based on topic. These tags must be created prior to adding them to your items - instructions are in "Step 4 - Create an item tag". To add more than one tag, select “Add another item” under this field. You can save the item prior to adding tags to it.

  3. Check the “Published” box.

  4. Save your item.

 Step 4: create an item tag

Each item should have one or more tags associated with it. This is separate from the groups in that these tags are topical and used to help visitors find projects from different groups that have similar topics.

This is an area where you’ll want to consider strategy. Tags should not be so granular in topic that only one or two items will apply to them. Rather, you’ll want general tags that many items can be associated with. Suggestions for terms include: “Piano”, “Mixed Media”, “Award Winners”, or “Senior Projects”.

To view existing terms and create a new one:

  1. Using the Administrative Menu, view the Gallery Item Tags ("Structure" → "Taxonomy" → "Portfolio Project Tags")

  2. Review the existing terms to determine if something new is needed for the items you’re planning on creating. If so, then select “Add term” to create a new term.

  3. The fields to complete are:

    • Name: The name of this tag. It will be visible to the public, so should be clear, concise, and topic-based.

    • None of the other fields need to be completed.

  4. Save the term and add it to the appropriate Portfolio Project Items. 

Items for sale

Available by request. An item-for-sale page is a templated content type that allows you to build a database of different products for sale that can be searched and filtered using taxonomy terms. This content type was made explicitly for the Surplus site.

The URL for the page is (replace SITE with your site’s URL). Example items for sale listing.

 How to make an item for sale page

There are two main steps to making an item for sale page: building the taxonomy and making the page.

Step 1: Item for sale taxonomy

Taxonomy is the list of terms (tags) visitors use to filter your item for sale pages. Follow these instructions to create new taxonomy terms:

  1. Use the admin menu to navigate to “Structure → Taxonomy → Item for sale type”

  2. Review the existing terms to verify there isn’t a functionally identical term available.

    • If there is, use that term or edit it as needed.

  3. Select "Add Term". 

  4. Enter the name for the term; ignore the other sections of the form. A few notes:

    • Each item can only have one associated term.

    • Use uniform capitalization methods for all your terms (i.e. sentence case, title case, etc).

    • Only create new terms that are general enough to apply to multiple pages; the best practice is to have no more than 10-15 terms.

  5. Save the term

Step 2: make the item for sale page

  1. Use the admin menu to navigate to “Content → Add Content → Item for sale"

  2. Complete the form

  3. Check the Published box at the bottom of the page

  4. Save the page

Form fields

Item Name (req.): The actual name of the item. Keep this short and simple.

Description (req.): Text describing the item for sale.

Type (req.): A drop-down box of pre-created terms using the Step 1: Taxonomy instructions.

Images Gallery (req.): Select Add Media to select an image to add. You can add up to 4 images. Review the image documentation for more information. 

Contact Name (opt.): The person that should be contacted for questions about this item.

Contact Phone (opt.): How to reach the contact person.  

Price (req.): The cost of the item. Example: “$10.00” or “Free”

Quantity (req.): The number of items available.

Terms and conditions (opt): A linked PDF and customizable text for additional information on the item.

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