Duplicate charges
View the Main > Reporting > Bills/Calls > Charges report, selecting Charge Source Services.
Under Perspectives, select Billing Checkup: Duplicate Charges.
Select Report > Generate Report to export a CSV.
Open the CSV in Excel
Highlight the Charged Item column and select Home > Conditional Formatting > Highlight Cell Rules > Duplicate Values. This highlights all services with multiple charges. For many services (e.g., server hosting) this is normal and appropriate. But for most Telecom services, multiple charges on a service means duplicate charges, which is a mistake (often caused by Upgrade/Downgrade actions).
Scroll down the report and look for highlighted rows. If you find duplicate charges, look up the service in PCR-360 (Main > Services) and delete the newer duplicate charge.
Services on Inactive GLAs
Navigate to Main > Reporting > AdHoc Grids > View Grids
Double-click on the Services on Inactive GLAs item to run its query. The result is a list of all Services associated with GLAs which have become inactive. (Note that these Services may or may not have associated Charges, and they may be in Billing Groups that don’t charge for phone service.)
The goal is for this report to be empty: this most importantly protects us in advance from the case where PCR tries to charge an inactive GLA (which means the monthly Banner JV is rejected and requires quick revision) but also helps keep records generally up to date. To empty out this report, take both of these steps:
Inactivate Services which are no longer being provided: find the Service ID in the Services list (Main > Services > Type), switch it from Active to Inactive, Save.
Update GLAs on Services both Active and Inactive: for each GLA shown on the list, determine what it should be replaced by, then update each Service associated with that GLA in the list.
Prioritize updating Services which will bill in Banner (and break the JV): phone service for JV index codes, non-telecom services, etc.
Active Services that are not Billable
View the Main > Services > View / Report > All Services report.
Under Perspectives, select Billing Checkup: Billable.
If any Services appear in the report, double-click to open them, check the Billable box, then Save.
Original “Monthly Billing Checkup” document from Leslie
The goal for the tasks below are to find billing and database inaccuracies.
PCR360 Service Order Status
Confirm Service Orders with changes are ready to be billed. Do they need to be finalized or voided?
Active GLAs on Services
Pull two report from PCR360 then run simple query in Access
Inactive GLAs - Main : Catalog : G/L Accounts (GLA), filter Inactive using the Status column
All Services with Charges - Reporting : Bills/Calls : Charges, use Perspective: Billing Checkup: Active Charges
Duplicate Charges
Use Excel to find services with duplicate charges in the report file. This happens with all Upgrade/Downgrade Actions. Ignore Server Hosting Services
Reporting : Bills/Calls : Charges, use Perspectives: Billing Checkup: Duplicate Charges
When in Excel, highlight the Charged Item column and then Home > Conditional Formating > Highlight Cell Rules > Duplicate Values
Unchecked Billable Box
Services with charges but the Billable box checked. This is a bug and fixed with PCR360 version 2019.5
Services : View / Report : All Services, use Perspectives: Billing Checkup: Billable
Active Service & Active Charges
Pull two report from PCR360 then run un-match query in Access: Service needs MRC without Active Charges
Services : View / Report : All Services, use Perspectives: Billing Checkup: Service needs MRC
Reporting : Bills/Calls : Charges, using Perspectives = Billing Checkup: Active Charges
GLAs missing from Department
Query reports in Access: GLA Catalog without Dept GLA Restrict
GLA Catalog
Admin : Adhoc Grids | Dept GLA Restrict
Import updates, use Import Format: Add GLAs to Departments
Import Field format examples
Code = JV > 610300
GLA = D-TEL101
Billing Group = JV
E&G > 220900 | D-ESZG62 | E&G |
E&G > 221000 | D-FLZG06 | E&G |
JV > 400111 | D-CXL021 | JV |
JV > 240301 | D-CCF255 | JV |