Create a JSM Request Type

  1. Select Projects from the main JSD menu.

  2. Select the appropriate Project from the list.

Searching for TSD will show the three JSD projects:

  • IT Service Desk (ITSD):  available to everyone.

  • Technical Service Desk (TSD):  for TAGs and other IT staff.  Requires special JSD access.

  • OIT Service Desk (OITSD):  for internal-OIT requests.  Available only to OIT staff.

  1. Select Back to project.

  2. Select Project settings.

  3. Select Hidden from portal under GROUPS.

New forms should be hidden from the portal until they are approved by the requestor and are ready to publish.  Only JSD administrators can see hidden forms.

  1. In the top row of forms, select an appropriate Icon, provide a Request name, select the appropriate Issue type, provide a Description, and select Create request type.

PSU form conventions:

  • Select the Icon that is most appropriate for the form.  Do not leave Icon at default.

  • Request name should begin with a capital letter and all following letters should be lower-case, except for proper nouns.

  • Select Service Request for Issue type for routine add, remove, change requests.  Select Incident for forms that are to be used to report problems.

  • Description should be a short sentence that describes the form's use.  It should end with a period.

  1. Select Edit fields on the new form.

  2. Select + Add a field.

  3. Select the required field(s) and select Apply.


  4. Add the field Service desk team and select Hide in the Actions column.

  5. Select the appropriate service desk team where this new form should route.

  6. Send screenshot of form to requestor for approval.  Once approved, publish the form by moving it to the appropriate GROUP.

Add a new field

  1. From the project homepage, select Back to project.

  2. Select Project settings.

  3. Select Fields.

  4. Select Configure field layout (


  5. Select Custom fields.

  6. Select Add custom field.

  7. Select the appropriate Field Type and select Next.

  8. Provide a Name and, optionally, a Description.  Other options on this page will vary depending on the Field Type selected; complete as necessary and select Create.


  9. Associate the new field to the appropriate screens and select Update.


  10. more stuff


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SME Review Status

Next due


Nov 1, 2024Â