OAM Access Requests (OAR)
OAM Access Requests (OAR) are a replacement to the Role-Based Access Requests (RBAR) system found in Banweb, and can be made in the Odin Account Manager at oam.pdx.edu.
PSU employees can place requests for access to certain PSU websites and systems (such as Banner, DataMASTER, OnBase, Destiny, and others). Depending on your level of access, you can approve access requests and manage OAR proxies as well.
Table of Contents
Submit a Request
Go to the Odin Account Manager at oam.pdx.edu.
Select Sign In.
Enter your Odin account username and password.
Select OAM Access Requests (OAR).
Select New Access Request.
Request access as directed by your department. Your options include:
Select an access package: A collection of access defined by employee role.
Duplicate Banner access from an existing user: Copies Banner access from an active PSU employee.
Select specific access by system: Select the system(s) you will need access to, then define the specific access on the following page.
After submitting this form, an email notice will be sent to the first-level approver (typically your supervisor). Further email notifications are sent to subsequent approvers as each step is completed.
Only one request can be submitted per employee at a time. To modify or create a new request while a transaction is outstanding, the current request will need to be cancelled using the Cancel Request action.
Approve a Request
If you have a request to approve, you will receive an email alert. To approve the request:
Go to the Odin Account Manager at oam.pdx.edu.
Select Sign In.
Enter your Odin account username and password.
Select OAM Access Requests (OAR).
Select View Request or the checkbox from the Action Needed column.
This will bring up the Request Detail page, which shows detailed information about the request.Complete the appropriate approval step:
First-level Approvers, Supervisors, and Financial Managers: Complete the First-level Approval or Financial Manager section near the top of the page, including whether you approve the access request and any notes that should be recorded.
System Owners and Coordinators: Choose the appropriate access to grant in the Assign Access section.
Select Submit.
System owners and coordinators select Complete Step.
Request Detail Page
This page contains information about the request and the requester.
Requester Info: Basic information about the requester and their active position.
Position Info: The requester's position information, immediate supervisor, and other active positions (if applicable).
Request Detail: Basic information about the request and requested access.
Summary of Requested Access: A summary of the requested access and the reason for needing this access.
First-level or Financial Manager Approval: Used to approve or deny requests.
Security Details: Summary of Banner security classes that are pre-existing, requested, to be added, and to be removed.
Request Timeline: Contains the request history and steps, and allows you to add public and private notes.
OAR Proxy Management
You can assign a proxy to handle first-level approvals on your employees’ requests. Proxies must be a supervisor or peer. For those with Financial Manager approval access, proxies will also be able to act on those decisions..
On the Assign Proxy screen, you will see a list of anyone who has assigned you as a proxy, and a list of your existing proxies.
Add a Proxy
Go to the Odin Account Manager at oam.pdx.edu.
Select Sign In.
Enter your Odin account username and password.
Select OAM Access Requests (OAR).
Select Assign a Proxy.
You will only see the Assign a Proxy option if you are a PSU staff member (not a student employee).
Select Add new proxy.
Your request is sent to the proxy approver, who must approve or deny the proxy request. When the request is approved or denied, both you and your proxy will receive a confirmation email.
If approved: The assignment will become active on the requested start date. If the requested start date has already passed, it will become active immediately.
If denied: The assignment will be displayed in a separate Inactive Proxies section of the Assign Proxy screen.
Delete a Proxy
If you need to delete a proxy you have assigned, select the trashcan icon to the right of the proxy record, and select Confirm.
Access Past RBAR Requests
To view the details of requests you submitted through the RBAR system prior to March 12, 2020:
Go to banweb.pdx.edu.
Select Sign In.
Enter your Odin account username and password.
Select System Access Menu.
Select Status of my requests.