Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Most of your site’s pages will be “Landing Pages”. This is a page type built using multiple “paragraph blocks”. Each paragraph block is pre-designed with different layouts and content options; a well-designed landing page is built by stacking multiple paragraph blocks on the page. Visit the Paragraph Blocks by Type page to learn more about different paragraph blocks and to interact with them.

Creating and editing landing pages

Use the admin menu to navigate to “Content → Add Content → Landing Page” to create a new landing page. Visit the Getting Started guide for more detailed instructions on building a landing page.

To edit an existing landing page, navigate to the page you want to edit then select “Edit” from the menu of options near the top of the page.

A few notes:

  • All landing pages must have the Title field completed and an H1 Header paragraph block added at the top of the page. Adding those should always be your first step in creating a new landing page.

  • Add new paragraph blocks by choosing the paragraph block you want from the “Paragraph type” dropdown, then selecting “Add Paragraph”.

  • Not all paragraph blocks use the same fields; some have image options while others allow for text and links. Use the paragraph blocks that meet your style and content needs.

  • Different paragraph blocks have different requirements; you must complete all required fields to save or preview a page.

  • Some paragraph blocks have multiple sections that can be added. For those, an additional button will appear that allows you to add more sections; some paragraph blocks have a required number of sections you must add to save the page.

  • Reorder paragraph blocks by selecting and dragging the crosshairs to the left of each paragraph block.

  • Delete paragraph blocks by selecting the drop-down arrow to the right of the paragraph block (next to where it says “Collapse” or “Edit” and choosing “Remove”. Confirm your choice.

titleRestricted paragraphs

There are some paragraph blocks that show up as an option to use, but they are tied to a content type that might not be active on your site. As such, you will get an error when trying to add them. Unless told otherwise, do not use these paragraph blocks:

  • A Day in the Life: Full Page

  • A Day in the Life: Slider

  • Gallery: Featured Groups

  • Gallery: Featured Items Slider

  • Rich text editor (use the Text: 1 Column instead)

  • Views Reference

titleUsing templates

Templates are optional starting points for your pages, they are pre-designed landing pages that can be customized as needed. To use a template:

  1. Use the admin menu to select “Content” (the content listing).

  2. Select “Moderated Content”.

  3. Find the template you want to use. View example templates on the Web Training site.

  4. To the right of the template name, select  “Clone"

  5. On the new page, rename the page and save it.*

*You can also make modifications to the page now, or after saving. The new page will function the same as any other Landing Page you create.  

Do remember, the content in these blocks needs to be updated; you do not want placeholder text and images on your pages.

titleCloning a landing page

After a page has been saved, you can "clone" it to copy the page. This is helpful if you like the basic style of the page you just made, and want to reuse the same blocks (with new content, of course).

To clone a page, select "Clone" to the right of the "Edit" tab for a page. You will only have access to this option after a page is saved. 

The page it takes you to will look identical to your current page. However, when you save it, it will be a new copy. As such make sure to change the page title before selecting save

Page statuses and what they mean

Landing pages have different statuses, which impact who can view and interact with these pages. Additionally, you will have different publishing abilities depending on your role in your site:

  • Content Manager - Drafts and publishes page updates; cannot approve content submitted for review.

  • Editor - Drafts changes and submits them for review by an approver. 

  • Approver - Reviews and publishes content submitted by an editor; cannot draft page changes.

Current page status

Content Managers can change it to…

Editors can change it to…

Approvers can change it to…

Publicly visible


  • Review

  • Published

  • Review1




  • Draft

  • Published

  • Draft

  • Draft

  • Published



  • Draft2

  • Archived

  • Draft2

  • Review2




  • Draft

  • Published

  • Draft

  • Published


1 There is no automated notification method to let Approvers know a draft is ready to review. When an Editor sets a draft to review, they must tell the Approver.

2 Changing a published page to a draft or review creates a second version of the page where you can draft updates while leaving the previously published version visible to the public. To remove a published page from public view, you must change the status to archived.

titleTroubleshooting for Editors

You have content ready for review

You've edited a page and are ready for your approver to publish it. It's in the "Review" state.

Fix: Tell your publisher in person or over the phone/email that you have a page ready for approval. There is no automated notification. 

Your approver said they don't have the ability to publish a page you edited

You drafted changes to a page and told your approver it was ready, but they said the system isn't giving them the option to publish it. 

Fix: Check the moderation state. If it's in "Draft" your approver cannot publish the page. Change the moderation state to "Review", then ask your approver to check again.

Your approver told you a page you submitted for review needs more updates

You submitted a page to your approver already, but they came back and said it needs more updates.

Fix: If it's still in the "Review" moderation state, change it to "Draft" and make the updates. If it's already in the "Draft" moderation state, go ahead and make the updates. When done, change the state back to "Review" and notify your approver. 

A published page needs updating

Either you or your approver was reviewing the site and came to the determination that one of the published pages needs updates. 

Fix: Change the page's moderation state to "Draft" and make the needed changes. This will not affect the published page until the updates are published by your approver. When you're ready for that to happen, change the moderation state to "Review" and tell your approver it's ready. 

titleTroubleshooting for Approvers

You need to approve content that's still in "Draft"

Your editor has drafted changes to a page and said it's ready for your approval, but the moderation state is still "Draft". So you don't have the ability to publish the page. 

Fix: Talk to your editor (in person or through phone/email) and ask them to change the workflow state to "Review". 

You need to approve content that's in "Review"

Your editor has drafted changes to a page and said it's ready for your approval. The page looks good so you need to publish it. 

Fix: When looking at the page (while logged in to the site) there is a dropdown under "Change to". Choose "Published" and select "Apply". 

The updates your editor made require revisions before publishing

Your editor has drafted changes to a page and said it's ready for your approval. It's in the "Review" moderation state. The page needs a few updates, though, before publishing.  

Fix: When looking at the page (while logged in to the site) there is a dropdown under "Change to". Choose "Draft" then select "Apply". Let your editor know they have changes to make; there is no automated notification.  

A published page needs updating

You were reviewing your site and realized there's a page that needs updates. 

Fix: Tell your editor about the needed updates so they can make them. You will need to approve the changes after the updates are made.