“Cash customer” means entities external to the University who get technology services from OIT and pay in money instead of internal chargebacks.
Who qualifies to be a cash customer?
Partners (entities that share or are adjacent to our mission)
Peer institutions: OHSU
Higher education government/regulatory apparatus: HECC, Governor’s Pilot
Municipal/utility infrastructure: PGE
Unions: AAUP
Condo associations: ASRC, Vanport Building
Vendors (entities that the University (or a partner) pays to provide service to us)
to PSU: Chartwells, Swinerton, Skanska
to partners: CBRE
Retail tenants (retail business who are tenants in buildings the University own & manage)
Tipsy Teapot, Coco Donuts, Best Baguette
What services can cash customers get?
Communication and Collaboration
Partners & vendors can get phone + data service for a single person by paying the external communication station rate (similar to what employees get). This includes Google Voice, wired internet, and Wi-Fi.
Retail tenants can get Tenant Internet Access for a single port
Partners can get Data Center Colocation
Who can use HPC?