406.2 Moving Expense Reimbursements

Relocation expenses may be reimbursed by paying either the traveler or the vendor. Requests to reimburse relocation expenses must be made on the PSU moving reimbursement request form. Requests for reimbursement must be accompanied by receipts, if required.

REIMBURSEMENT RATES: Current PSU reimbursement rates associated with moving expenses, house-hunting expenses, and temporary living expenses arising from a new appointment or transfer are available in the PSU Moving Expense Summary Table. Negotiated limits may not exceed the maximum amounts shown and are subject to budget availability and PSU policy.

TAX CONSIDERATIONS: Effective January 1st 2018 all reimbursements related to Moving and Relocation will be 100% tax reportable. Any reimbursements paid to, or on behalf of a new employee, will be reported to HR/Payroll to be reported as wages for the month . 

For more information, please see the procedures manual.

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