05100-05999 Investment

05100-05999 Investment


It is common for educational institutions to hold investments such as bonds, debentures, notes, preferred stocks, convertible securities, common stocks, warrants, mutual fund shares, real estate, leasebacks, mortgages, patents and copyrights. Investment account codes are used to classify the investment revenues.

[1] Investment/Debt/Debt Service

05120 Bond Sinking Fund Interest Income
Records interest income for the XI-F(1) and XI-G bond sinking funds at the Oregon State Treasury.

05121 Bond Building Fund Interest Income
Records interest income for the XI-F(1) and XI-G bond building funds at the Oregon State Treasury.

05131 Gain on Sale of Investment
Proceeds from the sale of an investment which constitute a gain over the carrying value of the particular asset. Includes sale of stock rights. Used by the Controller's Division only.

05132 Interest Income - Investments
Receipts of true interest income such as interest income on bonds, notes, certificates of deposits, time deposits, mortgages and leasebacks. Use is not limited to Board investments' interest income; it may be used for interest received from any source.

05133 Dividend Income
Receipts from dividends paid on investments. Excludes receipts from sale of stock rights (see account code 05131 Gain on Sale of Investment).

05134 Discount Earned
Receipts of discounts earned on bonds, notes and other investments.

05135 Rent from Investment
Income from property held for rental income. Excludes income from incidental rental of institutional property (see account code 06060 - Merchandise Rentals or 05150 - Royalty Income).

05136 Principal of Investment
Funds invested in assets not directly identified with the primary educational activity. These assets occupy an auxiliary relationship to the central educational activity. The basis on which investment revenue is computed.

05137 Trust Income Distribution
Receipts of income distributions from trusts; such distributions being normal, routine and recurring. May include distributions of interest, dividends, royalties, net rents or a combination thereof. Excludes distribution of trust principal.

05138 Endowment Income
Income earned on the pooled investments of the Endowment Fund.

05139 Net Increase (Decrease) in Fair Value of Investment
Net increase or decrease in the fair value of investments held by an institution.

05141 IB Invest Earnings Redistribution
IB Invest Earnings Redistribution

05150 Royalties Income
Income from patents, copyrights and similar revenue-producing investments.

05151 Disney Royalties Income
Income from patents, copyrights and similar revenue-producing investments related to Disney.

05152 Technology Transfer Attorney Reimbursements
Reimbursement income of patent attorney expenses that are negotiated through a Technology Transfer Agreement.

05153 Royalty Income-Venture Development
To record income from patents, copyrights, and similar revenue-producing investments that are attributable to the use of venture development funds. 

[2] Debt and Debt Service Related

05201 Bond Proceeds
Proceeds from the sale of XI-F(1) and XI-G bonds.

05202 COPS Proceeds
Proceeds from the sale of Certificates of Participation (COPs).

05203 Bond Premium
The portion of the proceeds above par value when a bond is sold. The portion above par may be expressed as a rate or a dollar amount.

05204 Lottery Bond Proceeds
To record lottery bond proceed revenue.

05210 COPS Debt Service Contribution
Debt service contribution from Budgeted Operations, Service Department and Auxiliary Service funds for payments due on Certificates of Participation. For use with Retirement of Debt funds only.

05215 Sinking Fund Contributions
Sinking Fund contributions from Auxiliary Enterprise funds. Use with Retirement of Debt sinking funds only. 

05250 Interest Income
Revenue from charges on delinquent accounts receivable.

05251 Bad Debt Write-Off
Terminate and deactivate account code 05251 Bad Debt Write-off: "Accounts receivable amounts written off as uncollectible or amounts charged to establish a provision for bad debts. Use only for Current General Operations Funds Budgets. use account code 28711 Bad Debt Expense for other accounts."

05252 Collection Charges
Amounts charged to a delinquent account when referring the delinquent account to a collection agency. Use account code 28712 - Collection Costs for fees paid.

05260 COP Trustee Reimbursements
Reimbursements received from COP Trustee for COP expenditures.

05263 XI-Q Trustee Reimbursements
XI-Q Trustee Reimbursements

05265 Collaborative Proj Trustee Reimb
Reimbursements received from external Trustee for collaborative project expenses; distribution of reimbursements to other OUS entities.

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