07000-07999 Medical and Hospital Services Income


The following codes are used to record institutional or departmental revenues resulting from medical and hospital related sales and services.

[1] Medical and Hospital Services Income

07801 Pharmacy Income
Income from sales from student health center pharmacy.

07802 Medical Lab Fees
Income from student health center medical lab fees.

07803 X-Ray Income
Income from student health center x-ray charges.

07804 Allergy Treatment Income
Income from student health center for treatment of allergies.

07805 Dental Services Income
Income from student health center dental service charges.

07806 SM/PT Service Income
Income from sports medicine or physical therapy charges.

07807 Nursing Services Income
Income from student health center nursing service charges.

07808 Health Education Service Income
Income from student health center health education charges.

07820 Medical Supply Sales Income
Income from student health center sales of medical supplies.

07821 Flu Shot Income
Income from student health center flu shot charges.

07822 Office Visit Income
Income from student health center office visit charges.

07823 Medical Record Income
Income from student health center medical record charges.

07830 Outpatient Infirmary Income
Income from student health center outpatient infirmary charges.

07831 Infirmary Overtime Income
Income from student health center infirmary overtime charges.

07890 Employee Medical Service Income
Income from student health center for medical services provided to employees.

07899 Other Medical Services Income
Income from medical services not otherwise classified in this section.