Use Employee Virtual Desktop with Windows

You may use the Employee Virtual Desktop to access PSU enterprise applications such as CampusNexus CRM and OnBase. The Employee Virtual Desktop may be used through your preferred browser or directly through your computer's Start menu.

In order to use Employee Virtual Desktop from off campus, you must first connect to the Virtual Private Network (VPN).

Table of Contents

Employee Virtual Desktop Browser Access

You may access the Remote Desktop Web Client using any modern browser, including Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, or Edge.

  1. Navigate to in your preferred browser.

  2. Enter your Odin account username and password.

  3. Open the Enterprise Applications folder.

  4. Select the application you want to access.

Employee Virtual Desktop Start Menu Access

You may use Employee Virtual Desktop directly from the Start menu to access and launch applications quickly. To add Employee Virtual Desktop to your Start menu, complete the following one-time setup procedure.

Setting up Employee Virtual Desktop in your Start Menu

  1. Open the Start menu, and search for RemoteApp and Desktop Connections or, more simply, remoteapp.

  2. Select RemoteApp and Desktop Connections from the search results.

  3. In the RemoteApp and Desktop Connections window, select Access RemoteApp and desktops.

  4. In the Access RemoteApp and desktops window, enter under Email address or connection URL. Select Next to continue.

  5. A security notice will advise you not to continue unless you recognize the connection URL. If you entered as specified above, select Next again.

You may be asked to re-enter your Odin username and password at this stage. If you are using a non-PSU computer, you will need to add psu\" before your Odin username.

Using Employee Virtual Desktop from the Start Menu

Once you have set up the Employee Virtual Desktop in your Start menu, you may use the applications you’ve added by opening the Start menu and searching for Employee Desktop (Portland State University Virtual Desktop) or, more simply, employee.

The applications you've added will appear in your search results and can be launched by selecting your desired application and entering your Odin account username and password when prompted.

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