001.7 Reporting

Other financial reports prepared for external stakeholders include the following:

SEFA REPORT: The Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards (SEFA) is a State of Oregon report required by the Federal Government. The SEFA reports the annual expenditures made by State of Oregon agencies of Federal awards. The Controller’s Office prepares the SEFA for PSU on a consolidated basis. The PSU SEFA is forwarded to the Department of Administrative Services, who compiles the SEFA data from all state agencies into the SEFA for the State of Oregon.  The SEFA for the State of Oregon is issued by the Oregon Secretary of State Audits Division each year on February 28, eight months after the close of the fiscal year.

IPEDS REPORT: The Integrated Post-secondary Education Data System (IPEDS) is a system of surveys designed to collect data from all primary providers of post-secondary education. The Controller’s Office completes the portion of the annual IPEDS survey containing financial data of PSU The Controller’s Office reviews the IPEDS data before data is input to the IPEDS survey is finalized and closed.

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