91000-99999 Transfer of Funds


A 91XXX Transfer-In account code transaction requires an offsetting 92XXX Transfer-Out account code transaction, and vice versa. These account codes can not be used with agency funds (9xxxxx).

If you are unsure of the correct transfer account codes to use, contact your University Financial Services for advice.

[1] Transfers - Included in both expanded and simplified methods

91001 Tfr In- w/in FTYP Lvl 2 (not FT11)
Account code for transfers in within an institution within the same fund type level II, other than budgeted operations funds FT11. (Intra-Institutional/Intra Fund Type Lvl2) This code should be offset by an equal amount in account 92001.

91225 Tfr In- from Other OUS Inst
Account code for transfers in from other OUS institutions or between institutions and the Chancellor's office. OUS has eight charts of accounts (one chart for each of the seven institutions and one chart for the Chancellor's office). This account code is only used if the transfer is between charts. (Inter-Institutional/Inter/Intra Fund Type Lvl2) This code should be offset by an equal amount in account 92225.

91250 Tfr In- w/in FT11 Budgeted Ops
This code, along with 92250, is to be used within the same institution within fund type 11 - budgeted operations funds. (Intra-Institutional/Intra-Fund Type 11) This code should be offset by an equal amount in account 92250.

92001 Tfr Out- w/in FTYP Lvl 2 (not FT11)
Account code for transfers out within an institution within the same fund type level II, other than budgeted operations funds FT11. (Intra-Institutional/Intra Fund Type Lvl2) This code should be offset by an equal amount in account 91001.

92225 Tfr Out- to Other OUS Inst
Account code for transfers out to other OUS institutions or between institutions and the Chancellor's office. OUS has eight charts of accounts (one chart for each of the seven institutions and one chart for the Chancellor's office). This account code is only used if the transfer is between charts. (Inter-Institutional/Inter/Intra-Fund Type Lvl2) This code should be offset by an equal amount in account 91225.

92250 Tfr Out- w/in FT11 Budgeted Ops
This code, along with 91250, is used for transfers within the same institution within fund type 11 - budgeted operations funds. (Intra-Institutional/Intra-Fund Type 11) This code should be offset by an equal amount in account 91250.

[2] Transfers - Included only in simplified method

91003 Trf In - Inter-fund
Account code for transfers in within an institution from another fund type level II. (Intra-Institutional/Inter Fund Type Lvl2) This code should be offset by an equal amount in account 92003.

92003 Trf Out - Inter-fund
Account code for transfers out within an institution to another fund type level II. (Intra-Institutional/Inter Fund Type Lvl2) This code should be offset by an equal amount in account 91003.

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