Detail Codes

Corresponding Policy: See ‘Fines & Fees’ policy.
Corresponding Forms: Detail Code Request Form
Process- Establishing new detail codes.

Complete the Detail Code Request Form found on the UFS Website under Forms & Policies. For modification to an existing detail code or to deactivate a code, please complete the form marking the appropriate box, obtain required approval signatures, and forward to Student Financial Services. 

For detail codes that are associated with a fine or fee, the promulgation process must be completed before the detail code will be created. The fine/fee is submitted for promulgation through the BAO Intranet, Fines & Fees Database. Specific instructions on how to obtain access to and use the Fines & Fees Database are provided by the Office of Finance and Administration at the beginning of the fines and fees promulgation process. Detailed information can be found at the “Tuition and Fees website”. The request form can be forwarded to Student Financial Services during the promulgation process. Upon promulgation approval, the detail code will be created and the department contact notified.  After the detail code is created and the department notified, it is the department’s responsibility to inform ARR to attach the detail code to the correct course code(s) via email to Academic Scheduling.

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