Submitting Google Documents to Canvas

Canvas now has Google integration which allows for better functionality between Google and Canvas. This integration allows for students to use their Google Drive account to upload documents from their PSU Educational Google Drive account. Follow the steps below to learn how to submit a document using Google Documents.

Submit Google Drive Files as File Uploads

  1. Ensure you're signed into your school Google account.

  2. Select the Google Drive (LTI 1.3) tab.

  3. Choose the Select File within your Google Drive window

  4. In the Insert files using Google Drive Pop-up window, you can search for or select a file under Recent, My Drive, Shared Drives, or Upload options.

  5. Once the file is selected, select the Add button and in the attach file dialogue box select Attach.

  6. In the original upload page within Canvas select the Submit option.

Further Resources

If you continue to have problems with your Odin account or password, please contact the OIT Help Desk.

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