404 Procurement Card


Portland State University has established a procurement card program (Program) to provide for the rapid acquisition of low dollar value items without a significant portion of the costs inherent in public purchasing, and the efficient handling of student group, team travel expenses, and hosting expenses. The primary purpose of the Program is to streamline operations and eliminate unnecessary administrative costs.

PSU maintains a contract with a bank to provide procurement cards to purchase goods and services. The bank issues procurement cards to employee custodians in the name of PSU departments. Authorized departmental users purchase goods and services using the procurement card. Only student group and team travel expenses are allowed on group/team cards that are issued separately from department procurement cards.

In order to fully utilize the procurement card and realize the associated administrative efficiencies and cost savings, PSU seeks to ensure that the policies and procedures related to procurement card programs administered by PSU are documented, communicated, clearly understood, and consistently applied. Establishing sound policies to guide the use of the procurement card within PSU is important to ensure compliance with state and federal laws, rules, and policies, including Uniform Guidance and Federal Acquisition Regulations.

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