404.6 P-Card Separation & Inappropriate Use

SEPARATION PROCEDURES: The Program Administrator will receive a report from Human Resources when individuals leave the institution. The department pcard will then be assessed to determine course of action. In the event a Budget Authority leaves PSU, the card will need to be closed, a review conducted and a new card ordered after receiving a new Signature Authorization form. In the event the Card Custodian or Business Manager leaves, a new Visa Signature Sheet form will need to be completed and sent to Campus Accounting Services. It is the responsibility of the department Budget Authority to notify the Program Administrator if an individual on the Signature Authorization form transfers departments or is no longer associated with the card for some reason.

INAPPROPRIATE USE: If it is determined that there is inappropriate use of the card, a review will be conducted, the card may be revoked and disciplinary action against the individual may take place at the discretion of University Financial Services management.

EXCEPTIONS: Exceptions to procurement card program policies should be kept at a minimum. In the rare case where an exception to this policy is granted, the Program Administrator will document the exception in writing, including evidence of appropriate approvals.

ACCOUNTING: Please click on these links for instructions on how to distribute p-card charges and credits.

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