Assessments (280XX-284XX)
[1] State Assessments
State of Oregon assessments are charges made by various other departments within the State of Oregon to individual institutions or OUS as a whole. Titles of assessment account codes indicate the specific assessment.
28002 Attorney General Services
This charge pays for charges assessed by the State Attorney General's Office. The assessment is based on an hourly rate.
28003 Secretary of State Audit Assessment
This assessment pays for the Secretary of State Audits Division audit costs. The assessment is allocated to the institutions based on expenditures.
28020 Central Government Service Charge
This assessment pays for general administrative costs associated with indirect services provided by the Legislative assembly, Legislative Counsel Committee, Governor's Office, and the Secretary of State Archives Division. DAS charges the assessment based on FTE. The assessment is allocated by OUS to institutions' Service Departments and Auxiliary Enterprise funds based on total payroll expenses.
28021 DAS IRMD Plan & Review Assessment
The assessment covers costs primarily for personal service expenses of the DAS Information Resources Management Division Office.
28022 DAS State Controller's Div
This assessment is charged for systems and services provided by DAS Controller's Office and is based on current service levels.
28023 DAS - Debt Mgmt Services Assessment
This assessment pays for Debt Management services provided by the Oregon State Treasury. Includes charges for: 1) XI-F bonds, 2) XI-G bonds, 3) COPs. This assessment is paid centrally by the Chancellor's Office to the Oregon State Treasurer.
28026 DAS Purchasing Assessment
This assessment covers the cost of certain per usage purchasing services provided by the DAS Transportation, Purchasing & Print Services Division.
28028 State Treasury Banking Services Charge
This assessment pays for Oregon State Treasury banking transaction fees.
28029 DAS - Contract Printing Assessment
This assessment covers the cost of certain per usage contract printing services provided by the DAS Transportation, Purchasing & Print Services Division.
28030 State Mail Assessment
This charge recovers the cost of operating the state central mail units in Salem, Portland, and Eugene. It is based on the average weight of mail transported and number of deliveries.
28031 DAS - Budget and Management Assessment
This assessment is charged for systems and services provided by DAS Budget and Management division. The assessment is allocated based on budgeted FTE and funding limitation.
28032 DAS Director's Office Charge
This assessment is charged for services provided by the DAS Director's Office. The assessment is allocated based on budgeted FTE.
28034 Secretary of State Archives Assessment
This assessment pays for the usage of the State Archives Division facility and is based on projected expenditures divided by estimated occupancy rate.
28036 DAS Geographic Information System Assessment
This assessment is charged by DAS to state agencies to pay for the maintenance of the state's investment in shared Geographic Information System. DAS uses a tiered approach to charge the assessment. OUS is categorized as a tier one agency. DAS charges the assessment based on an agency's tier and FTE. OUS will distribute the assessment to OUS institutions based on Budgeted Operations payroll expense.
28037 ERET Economic Reinvest Team Assess
To record OUS's portion of the administrative costs assessed by the Governor's Office Economic Recovery Executive Team (ERET). ERET was established in 2009 to coordinate oversight of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) funds.
28038 Statewide Facilities Coordinator Assessment
This assessment is charged to cover the cost of DAS for coordinating/facilitating development, resource management, and planning of major construction projects by all state agencies under ORS 276.227. This assessment is paid centrally by the Chancellor's Office to DAS.
28051 Capitol Planning Assessment
This assessment is charged to cover the administrative costs of Capitol Planning Commission. This assessment is paid centrally by the Chancellor's Office to DAS.
28052 Capitol Parking Assessment
This assessment is charged to cover the cost of Debt Service related to the completion of the Salem underground parking structure. This assessment is paid centrally by the Chancellor's Office to DAS.
28053 Capitol Landscaping Assessment
This assessment is charged to cover costs of maintaining the State Capitol Building grounds. This assessment is paid centrally by the Chancellor's Office to DAS.
28054 Capital Mall Security Services Assessment
This assessment is charged to cover the cost of providing security service, provided by the Oregon State Police, to most of the state office buildings on the Capitol Mall and to buildings located on Airport Way. This assessment is paid centrally by the Chancellor's Office to DAS.
28060 Tort Liability Assessment
This charge pays for projected ultimate losses arising from tort claims alleging the failure of agencies or employees to perform duties owed by law. DAS determines the allocation to each institution based primarily on prior claims.
28061 Property Insurance Assessment
This assessment is charged to pay for projected ultimate losses on state property. DAS charges the assessment to each institution based on square footage of buildings and FTE. OUS distributes the assessment to OUS institutions based on fixed asset insurance values.
28062 Oregon Ethics Commission Assessment
The assessment for the Oregon Government Ethics Commission is apportioned among state agencies based on the number of full-time equivalent employees budgeted by the agency. This is a new assessment for 2009-11, as authorized and directed by the 2007 Legislature.The total amount charged in Table 2-5 was calculated for the state agency share of the Oregon Government Ethics Commission's budget. From this amount, 100 percent of the total amount is based on full-time equivalent positions. The FTE counts listed were provided by the Department of Administrative Services.
28072 Emerging Small Business
This assessment is charged to pay for the administration of the Department of Consumer and Business Services' certification of Minority, Women, and Emerging Small Businesses and the Governor's Advocate operations for policy and outreach efforts. The assessment is based on non-federal, full-time equivalent position authority of all state agencies. OUS will distribute this assessment to institutions based on total Services and Supplies expenses in Budgeted Operations, Designated Operations, Service Department and Auxiliary funds in the prior fiscal year.
28073 DAS IRMD E-Government Assessment
This assessment is charged to cover the cost of providing business expertise, technical support, and the production environment that agencies need to serve citizens via the Internet. Assessment effective in the 03-05 biennium. This is a flat rate assessment that is paid centrally by the Chancellor's Office.
28074 Quality Assurance Assessment
This assessment is charged by DAS to state agencies to cover the cost of the Quality Assurance section which develops and implements policy and standards related to the planning, management, monitoring, evaluation, and implementation of large scale, and enterprise information technology development projects. This assessment is allocated among agnecies on the basis of budgeted full time equivalent positions. This assessment is paid centrally by the Chancellor's Office to DAS.
28075 LINUS Assessment
This assessment is charged by DAS to state agencies to cover cost of the Legislative Information Notification Update System. (LINUS) is a "real time" legislative bill tracking system that allows state agencies to track bills throughout the legislative process. This is an enterprise, web-based application that is available to employees of state agencies and their statutorily defined agents. This assessment is allocated based on budgeted full-time equivalent positions. This assessment is paid centrally by the Chancellor's Office to DAS.
28076 Business Continuity Planning Assessment
This assessment is charged by DAS to state agencies to cover operational costs of the Business Continuity Planning Program. At inception, the program was funded by state agency donations and a federal grant; now, however, a state agency assessment based on budgeted FTE for 2005/2007 will be charged. This assessment is paid centrally by the Chancellor's Office to DAS.
28077 State Cyber Security Center Assessment
This assessment is charged by DAS to state agencies to cover operational costs of the Enterprise Cyber Security Program. This program is responsible for effectively defending and securing the State's Computing and Networking Infrastructure (SCNI) and its related information technology investments. These costs are allocated on the basis of full-time equivalent positions. This assessment is paid centrally by the Chancellor's Office to DAS.
28078 BOLI Prevailing Wage Rate Fee
This assessment is due to the Bureau of Labor and Industries (BOLI) Prevailing Wage Rate Unit for every contract awarded to a contractor for a public work which is regulated under the Prevailing Wage Rate Unit. The fee is equal to one tenth of one percent (.001) of the contract price but must be no less than $100 and no more than $5,000 regardless of the contract price. For further information see OAR 839-025.
[2] OUS Assessments
These assessments allow the Chancellor's Office to recover indirect administrative costs for services provided to the campuses. Titles of assessment account codes indicate the specific assessment.
28101 Chancellor's Office Assessment
Assessments to Auxiliary Activities and State-wide Public Service Divisions for administrative services provided to campuses by the Chancellor's Office.
28102 OUS International Program Assessment
Assessments to institutions to help support the OUS International Program. The assessment amount is contingent upon institution student participation in the OUS International Program.
28103 OUS Capital Support Assessment
Assessments to institutions for Capital Project Support for the administration of programs and projects by OUS Facilities Division. The programs include OUS Minority/Women in Business and Emerging Small Business, the Capital Repair Baseline study, studies of space utilization, five-year rental appraisal for Board-approved housing and other system-wide consulting for capital activities. Assessment is 0.1% of the approved budget on all legislatively approved capital construction projects.
28104 OUS ITS Telecom Services Assessment
Assessment for Information Technology Services Telecom services provided to institutions. Telecom services include the billing system, assistance with billing problems, reporting, centralized call data support and overseeing OUS telecommunication accounts. This will is annual, flat-rate, assessment.
28105 OUS ITS Services Assessment
Assessment for Information Technology Services services provided to regional universities. ITS services include Banner system support, data warehouse, technical support and other projects unique to the regional universities. This is an annual, flat-rate, assessment.
28160 RM General Liab Pool Assess
Assessment paid by pool participants to fund general liability portion of the Oregon University System self-insurance pool.
28161 RM Property Pool Assess
Assessment paid by pool participants to fund property self-insurance portion of the Oregon University System self-insurance pool.
28162 RM - Auto Pool Assess
Assessment paid by pool participants to fund automobile self-insurance portion of the Oregon University System self-insurance pool.
[3] Institutional Assessments
Institutional assessments are charged internally between various departments within an institution. Titles of assessment account codes indicate the specific assessment.
28201 Administrative and Support Service Charge
The allocation of general administrative and support service costs to a sub-unit.
28202 Building Use Overhead Charge
Used to record the Building Use Allowance portion of indirect costs charged to service departments subject to full-costing requirements specified by A-110 federal guidelines.
28203 Operation and Maintenance of Physical Plant Overhead Charge
Used to record the Operation and Maintenance of the Physical Plant portion of the indirect costs charged to service departments subject to full-costing requirements specified by A-110 federal guidelines.
28204 General Administration Overhead Charge
Used to record the General Administration portion of indirect costs charged to service departments subject to full-costing requirements specified by A-110 federal guidelines.
28205 Climate Action Plan Assessment
Climate Action Plan Assessment
[4] Other Assessments
28400 Other Assessments
Minor miscellaneous assessments not otherwise specified.