Travel (391XX-397XX)


These codes apply to transportation, lodging, meals and incidental expenses incurred by persons traveling on behalf of PSU. Travel expenses are categorized into three sets of account codes: In-State, Out-of-State, and Foreign. The travel expense category is determined based on the destination of the trip. For example, in-state travel includes both travel within Oregon and travel to Oregon that originates outside of Oregon. Use the same travel account code(s) for both the destination leg and the return leg of each trip:

  • In-State Travel: Travel expenses incurred while traveling to or within the state of Oregon. Includes travel to Oregon originating outside the state of Oregon.
  • Out-of-State Travel: Travel expenses incurred while traveling to or within the United States, but outside the state of Oregon. Out-of-State travel account codes are limited to the 48 contiguous states, Alaska, and Hawaii.
  • Foreign Travel: Travel expenses incurred while traveling to or within foreign countries.

Within each category of travel use employee or non-employee codes according to these guidelines:

  • Use employee codes for travel by PSU employees, including students traveling as employees.
  • Use non-employee codes for employees of other state agencies, students who are not traveling as employees, potential employees traveling for recruitment purposes, and all other non-employees.

[1] In-State Travel

39415 In-State Employee Program Travel
Travel expenses incurred when an employee travels in-state for the benefit of the department or institution.

39416 In-State Employee Training Travel
Travel expenses incurred when an employee travels in-state to receive training.

39445 In-State Non-Employee Program Travel
Travel expenses incurred when a non-employee travels in-state for the benefit of the department or institution.

39446 In-State Group Travel
Travel expenses incurred when an academic class takes a field trip or an athletic team travels to a sports event for competition. Use for all trip expenses for the group including any employee sponsors (instructors, academic advisors, or coaches ) and students (class members, participants, or players). Note: This account cannot be used when all participants are employees.

39492 In-State Sponsored Workshop Speaker Travel - No Indirect Cost
Travel expenses incurred when an agency, that doesn't allow F&A on speaker travel, sponsors a workshop and restricted funds are used to pay these travel expenses. There is no indirect cost charged against this account code. An example would be when NSF sponsors a workshop and pays travel expenses for the speaker.

[2] Out-of-State Travel

39515 Out-of-State Employee Program Travel
Travel expenses incurred when an employee travels out-of-state for the benefit of the department or institution.

39516 Out-of-State Employee Training Travel
Travel expenses incurred when an employee travels out-of-state to receive training.

39545 Out-of-State Non-Employee Program Travel
Travel expenses incurred when a non-employee travels out-of-state for the benefit of the department or institution.

39546 Out-of-State Group Travel
Travel expenses incurred when an academic class takes a field trip out-of-state or an athletic team travels out-of-state to a sports event for competition. Use for all trip expenses for the group including any employee sponsors (instructors, academic advisors, or coaches) and students (class members, participants, or players). Note: This account cannot be used when all participants are employees.

[3] Foreign Travel

39615 Foreign Employee Program Travel
Travel expenses incurred when an employee travels out of the United States for the benefit of the department or institution.

39616 Foreign Employee Training Travel
Travel expenses incurred when an employee travels out of the United States to receive training.

39645 Foreign Non-Employee Program Travel
Travel expenses incurred when a non-employee travels out of the United States for the benefit of the department or institution.

39646 Foreign Group Travel
This code should be used for group travel to, from, or within a foreign country. Use for all trip expenses for the group including any employee sponsors (instructors, academic advisors, or coaches) and students (class members, participants, or players). This account cannot be used when all participants are employees.

[4] Taxable Travel

39712 Employee Travel - Taxable (W-2 Reportable)
Employee Travel - Taxable (W-2 Subject)

39713 Dependent of Employee Travel - Taxable (W-2 Reportable)
Dependent of Employee Travel - Taxable (W-2 Subject)

39742 Non-employee Travel - Taxable (tax reportable)
Non-employee Travel - Taxable (tax reportable)

39743 Dependent of Non-employee Travel - Taxable (tax reportable)
Dependent of Non-employee Travel - Taxable (tax reportable)

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