Procurement, Group Travel and Fuel Card Frequently Asked Questions
- What are the benefits of having a Procurement/Group Travel card?
Procurement/Group Travel cards reduce processing costs for invoices, purchase orders and check processing. They increase efficiency and control for the department. They allow for purchasing more efficiently online, saving money and streamlining processes. In addition, departments can better track spending through available reports. Cards are assigned to departments with certain controls, set monthly and per transaction limits and specific users. - What will qualify my department for a Group/Travel Card?
Group/Travel Cards can be issued to a department within the University when procuring travel arrangements for Student groups or Athletic teams. Cards are issued to the department and can then be used by the authorized user to pay for the travel expenses of the team or group members. These transactions flow through the p-card module and need to be distributed. - What will qualify my department for a Fuel Card?
Fuel Cards can be issued to a department within the University if there is a frequent need to purchase fuel for University business. Fuel Cards are only to be used for fuel purchases for rental or state owned vehicles. - Can I use the procurement card for hosting?
Yes, as of February, 2015, pcards can be used for hosting expenses. For detailed information on hosting expenses and documentation requirements, please visit this site. - Is procurement card training available?
Yes, there are several methods of training available. Group quarterly training sessions are available throughout the year. This training covers the different types of cards available as well as the policy and procedures surrounding each card type. In addition, there is an online training available on the UFS intranet that can be viewed anytime. Lastly, if you are need of one-on-one training, you may contact the P-Card team at and we will schedule a training time with you. - What sort of documentation is required?
All Procurement/Group Travel and Fuel card purchases require original itemized receipts and documentation identifying the purchase. Acceptable documentation includes an invoice, online purchase confirmation receipt with a packing slip if applicable and or original itemized store receipt. Documentation should identify the vendor, purchase date, dollar amount, itemized purchase description and ship to address (for online purchases). If there is an instance where the original receipt cannot be located, please contact the vendor to request a duplicate receipt. The vendor should be able to provide an invoice, packing slip, or a written description of merchandise purchased with the dollar amount. Email for assistance or recommendations. - Why do I need to send a copy of the signed bank statement to the P-Card team monthly?
Upon moving to the Banner procurement card module, transactions no longer flow through approval queues. By reviewing monthly signed p-card statements, our p-card team is able to ensure reconciliation is taking place by the Budget Authority and Card Custodian. - Why are the Card Custodian & Budget Authority’s signatures required on the log and bank statement?
Since procurement card transactions do not flow through any approval queues, signatures are required monthly on both the log and statement. When the Budget Authority and Card Custodian sign the log, each are verifying the appropriateness of the purchases made and that only designated users are using the card. When each sign the bank statement, both are stating that reconciliation has taken place. - What if an increase is needed on my procurement/group travel card?
Your Budget Authority will need to complete the account maintenance form indicating the dollar amount needed, a brief explanation as to the reason for the increase and if this is a one-time increase to the limit or a permanent increase. The form will then need to be emailed to Once approved by the procurement card team, the card dollar limit will be raised. You will then receive an email notification from a member of the p-card team when the limit has been raised.
- What needs to be done when the Budget Authority leaves his or her position?
Within the Banner procurement card module, the card is tied to the nine digit PSU ID number of the Budget Authority. If this person leaves his/her position, the card needs to be canceled by the p-card team and a new card issued. New Visa Agreement forms need to be sent to CAS indicating who will be filling the Budget Authority role. The new person will need to ensure they have taken and passed the online p-card test, sent in their OAR request and signed the Visa Agreement form.
- What needs to be done when the Card Custodian and/or Business Manager leaves his or her position?
If either the Card Custodian and/or the Business Manager leaves his or her position, a new Visa Agreement Form needs to be completed in full. The procurement card module is set up so that these two roles are tied to a particular card which allows them to distribute procurement card transactions. New roles are assigned and the module updated once our office receives the new Visa Agreement Form. For new individuals being added to one of these roles, they will also need to have passed the online p-card test and completed an OAR request.
**Note: If the Business Manager also holds the role of Budget Authority you will need to proceed per the instructions outlined in question 10 above. - What needs to be done when a Designated User leaves his or her position?
If a department needs to remove a designated user from their card, an email should be sent to stating who is to be removed. This email request will then be attached to the original Visa Agreement form in our office, signed and a copy given to the Card Custodian for their records. - There’s a transaction in the procurement card module which I have no idea what it is? I have the card locked in my drawer but it looks like somebody used it. What should I do?
After speaking with your designated users to ensure the charge is not valid, contact US Bank at
1-800-344-5696 to report the fraudulent charge. They will then start a fraud case, close the card and issue a new card for you. You should also contact our office to let us know so we can assist you in distributing the transaction(s). - When does a vendor number need to be populated in the Banner procurement card module?
Vendor numbers need to be populated on all transactions using a tax reportable account code (those indicated by an * on the list of frequently used account codes). If you have attempted to distribute a p-card transaction to a tax reportable account code and forgot to populate the vendor number field, you will receive a pop up message that states you are using a restricted account code. Close out of the module and go back into FAAINVT. Populate the vendor number and then proceed with the distribution process. - I have changed the account code and the commodity description on my procurement card transaction but it has not fed yet. Why?
If you have changed the above information and you have not yet received your IV number, it is more than likely due to the fact that the Feed Date has not been changed within the Banner procurement card module. The Feed Date (located in the bottom block of the first screen in FAAINVT) is what drives when the transaction will be fed within Banner. - Why do I get a lot of emails regarding p-card transactions?
There are several types of emails that are sent out, all of which are system generated. You initially receive an email when you have a transaction which is ready to distribute. You will then receive a follow up email with the IV number once you have distributed it and the transaction has fed through Banner. If you do not distribute the transaction by the Feed Date in the module, you will also receive daily emails until it is done. In order to prevent these email notifications, please distribute your transactions once you receive the initial email reminder.
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