Perkins 1098 Process
The process has been replaced and performed by ECSI since 2013.
Old Access Database Process
This process be done every January. First, the following four files need to be created:
- J:\Shared\Databases\sal-sys\outbound.seq
- J:\Shared\Databases\sal-sys\pr-bil1.seq
- J:\Shared\Databases\sal-sys\pr-bil2.seq
- J:\Shared\Databases\sal-sys\1098-rpt.rpt
Then, run the following process (use M$ cmd window) in the J:\Shared\Databases\sal-sys\ directory:
Import Outbound file in outbound2k.mdb Access Database in \\psu\bao\Databases\Bur - 1098 directory.
Import the interest file in Access Database PerkinsBills02.mdb in \\psu\bao\Databases\PerkinsBills directory:
- Open PerkinsBills02.mdb
- Click button Import Perkins Data (????)
- Click “1098 Menu” button
- Click “Import 1098 tax interest file (ONE TIME ONLY!)” button
This process is very tricky. Seems to me that the format of the import data (SID & SSN) changes every year so that I have to modify the report in Access to make it correct (especially 1098Bill<5dollars & 1098Bill>5dollars). Check those report and source data when there is a problem.
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