IT Project Consultations overview

The Office of Information Technology (OIT) may be able to provide assistance with software or hardware selection, modifications, or implementations. The information on this page relates to large departmental or interdepartmental projects.

On this page

Request IT Project Consultation

  1. Prior to requesting our assistance, confirm support for your project with your Dean, Director, or Department Head.

    Note: Projects must have this level of support or higher for OIT to be involved. For major projects that involve enterprise system integrations, or that impact a large number of students or departments, executive level support is required.

  2. Once you have confirmed support of the project, complete the IT project consultation request form on the PSU Help Center.

We will contact you for more information and guide you through our project evaluation and prioritization process.

Project Evaluation Process

Project requests are scored based on alignment with PSU and OIT goals, risks, and impact. Note that this score is not the only factor determining project approval and prioritization.

A flowchart presented as a series of green arrows that list the steps of the OIT Project Prioritization Process. Request, Evaluate, Explore, Elevate, Plan, and Kickoff

OIT Project Prioritization Process

  1. Request

    1. Customer submits an IT Project Consultation request.

  2. Evaluate

    1. OIT evaluates the project request, identifies project participants.

  3. Explore

    1. OIT and customer meet to discuss project goals and feasibility.

  4. Elevate

    1. OIT leadership reviews the project’s value, alignment with PSU priorities, and determines resource availability.

    2. If needed, review the project’s priority with IT Advisory Committee and other campus stakeholders. CIO makes final decision if consensus cannot be reached.

  5. Plan

    1. If OIT can start the project within the next 6 months, OIT and the customer schedule the project and begin planning.

    2. If OIT cannot start the project within the next 6 months, OIT notifies the customer and moves the project to the backlog.

  6. Kickoff

    1. OIT and the customer prepare a project charter, assemble the team, and start work!

Further Resources

Contact OIT’s Project Management Office at for additional assistance.

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