Privileged Accounts Overview
Privileged accounts (also referred to as high accounts) are PSU accounts used to access and administer certain PSU enterprise systems.
For example, to receive elevated levels of access in the following systems, you must sign in with a privileged account:
AD high accounts: Endpoint login, ConfigMgr, McAfee/Trellix, Jamf Pro, Active Directory Tools
Oracle: Banner
Google: Google Workspace admin console, ChromeOS device enrollment, web applications requiring an email login
Request a Privileged Account
If your work requires elevated levels of access to PSU enterprise systems, submit a request in the Odin Account Manager found at by selecting the OAM Access Request (OAR) option. Your request will go to your supervisor for approval.
Once you receive your privileged account, we will provide you with an article that covers proper account usage and includes a link to the acceptable use policy.
Note: All privileged (or high) accounts share the same password. However, if you already have one high account, and request an additional high account, you will need to change your password in order for them to synchronize.
Remove a Privileged Account
To disable privileged accounts for separating employees, supervisors should submit a Get IT help request in the PSU Help Center with the following information:
Separating employee's first and last names
Separating employee's Odin account username
Other IT support accounts for the employee
Date the accounts should be disabled
We will disable the account the same day the request is received, or on the date indicated.